The justices here in Colorado have decided to DENY the Motion for Publication of an Opinion, that contradicts a previous and published opinion, supporting an argument that Mason Ramsey has been waging, against a FAT CAT, named Jake.

What this FAT CAT doesn't get, is that I am going to keep Jabbing at him, until he gets the FUCKING IDEA that this is ONE FUCKING PISSED OFF MOUSE ... and if you're GOING TO EAT ME ... I'll FUCKING KICK YOUR TONSILS OUT on the way down!
I really hate to use this kind of language, but I am really tired of the political bullshit ... and that is exactly what is, nothing more, and nothing less.
I am no attorney, but, I can see past some of the clouds of injustice, knowing there is a great deal of backslapping with the good ol' boys, and it reeks of the ugly stench of keeping the FAT CAT, Jake out of the court room, knowing that while he is one of Colorado's largest employers, he is presently violating its laws, and the recent denial of dissenting opinions only buries it deeper.
When I found out that FAT CAT Jake's attorneys actually wanted the opinion published, I told my attorneys, Diane King, Jason Cobb and Julie Tolleson that; this was something I believed would work to our benefit, in showing that the two previous Judges were contradicting themselves. Personally, I believed that it was a ploy on their part to perhaps throw us off, or gloat. Either way, I told my attorneys, "File a Motion unopposing the Motion to Publish, and file the 'Cert' before the deadlines" because I refuse to believe that this FAT CAT has won a battle, when we we are, and were clearly in the right, with the Law supposedly on our side.
It's all a matter of language and procedure, and now I have to stoop to a level, that will bring him down close enough to grab him by his whiskers, to kick his ass ... by making it public through this medium. Yes, while FAT CAT Jake has enough power to keep it out of the local media, he can not keep it private as long as I've got the ability to speak or write the truth, and make it more of national hayride that ... may eventually become a bestselling novel ... and, if I decide to write, I will call it: "The Great American Furniture Tiger ... SLAIN!"
In my future writings, here and in "The Great American Furniture Tiger .... SLAIN! ... I will publish the names of the Judges and the opinions, including those documents, so that some of those interested, may see; it really isn't fair to the people who work hard for their money, only to be ripped off by a greedy self serving man. Who will stand up to the bully? It just may be my future to fight for the rights of those who know no better. But, then again, if they don't care ... should I? I live in Colorado, a beautiful State to be marred by such ugliness disguised as a great place to work and to buy furniture and accessories
I have bloodied FAT CAT Jake's nose, and injured his pride, because, he never thought that such a little mouse could run him in circles, while his attorneys shrug their shoulders, holding out their hands for the pay out. And neither have those representing me, realized that I too have a will and a want to win!
It's too bad FAT CAT Jake never watched the Tom and Jerry Cartoons. Jerry wins a lot more than Tom. I am the underdog, and if you want me to go away, don't make me your enemy. It could have been handled easily enough with a conversation. I don't believe I have ever given up easily.
(More to come ... unless, he kills me or makes peace, either way ... it will be a headline eventually ... right?)