Monday, December 14, 2009


I have not had the chance to write in many months, mainly because I have been tied up with several issues with the Treasury Department, the banking system and the local district courts here in Arapahoe County, Colorado.

What I would like to do is begin posting many documents that have been sent to the bank, filed with the court and which have also been sent to the Treasury Department.

I know most people do not care to follow the progress of issues they believe do not concern them; but I assure you, this matters to you and your freedom and, will in the future give you a better understanding of how you can begin to see the world as it really exists.

The education and knowledge you think to be the truth, in fact; enslaves you.

I would like to know that people are interested enough for me to post this information, by leaving a response in kind, so I will know that I am not wasting my time.

We need warriors who can help defend the Constitution and our dwindling way of LIFE here in the United States.

As an advocate of NON VIOLENT and NON PREJUDICIAL means - I wish to enact MY REMEDY under the LAWS and those: are YOUR REMEDIES as well. We have to take back our economic means before the BANKERS, JUDGES, LAWYERS and POLITICIANS completely cut US out of the deal by getting RID of the Constitution of the United States of America. It can happen ... don't think it can not.

Are YOU in or OUT?

Thursday, May 7, 2009


"Mason, the world has been around a long time. If you read much history, you will see that different types of groups have been top dog at different times and sometimes for a thousand years. So what if you tube says the Muslims will out number the Christians in a few years. If you believe in Christianity, you surely must believe that God will not allow such a thing to happen. Have faith, brother. But then, we won't be here to object, so what difference does it make? And what can either of us do about it anyway? Don't worry. Be happy!"

Aunt Bobbi - I do have FAITH in Jesus - and there are those of us HERE who are meant to spread the word so that those who are LOST may be saved! I fear NOT ... for I have the FAITH, but know that WE live in a terrible world of EVIL governed by those who wish to dictate that: THEY ARE OUR MASTERS ... for THEY ARE NOT! I AM a SOVEREIGN under AUTHORITY BY GOD ONLY! --- And While I do remain human, I do at times and sometimes often, worry, but it's OUR NATURE. With much LOVE I continue on my path, with as much of a smile as I can muster. I am HAPPY that you do have that ATTITUDE. LOVE YA! See YOU on the RADIO and in the MOVIES SOON ... Mason.

Aunt Bobbi - I know there are many opinions that make the world spin --- and maybe mine wouldn't count for anything --- but, I did see some of the FLY over of the 747 being trailed by the fighter planes from several different angles on home videos. I AM certain that Obama was VERY well aware of the fly over before it ever took place and his feigned FURIOUSNESS was just that: since it was one of his personal jets - there are at least two major crafts on the ready at all times. You just DO NOT MAKE a decision to FLY over Lower Manhattan for a PHOTO OP, without there being a REAL purpose behind the decision. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to beg for permission.

I personally am NOT a Democrat or SUPPORTER of the President, NOR the Government's policies --- believing they serve only the interests of those in POWER - ONE of the main reasons that: I personally changed my POLITICAL Status as a REPUBLICAN.

I can do the math and see a little more between the cracks. I've studied the HISTORY of the FEDERAL RESERVE and have a current ON-GOING issue regarding the TREASURY Department - personally creating more than $700,000.00 in Certificates, and have had talks with the General COUNSEL in Washington, serving them with Documents and UNIFORM COMMERCIAL Codes that SUPPORT my issues pertaining to the Certificates of Indebtedness - which cover my personal accounts with the Treasury Department - through my 'Exemption' so I'm not a big FAN of 'The BEAST.' After having to go through the F.O.I.A. and having to wade through the NSA --- I know the Governments both Federal and Local really believe they are the MASTERS --- and Shame on them for believing that a person like myself will not question their EVERY MOVE and be expected to believe every excuse. Pardon me for 'Missing' the small font on the EDGE of the COIN - but they have been trying to remove GOD from the equation, when I know for a fact that, here in COLORADO not more than 2 weeks ago - the Democrats craftily maneuvered a VOTE in the LEGISLATURE (Moving the issue of awarding instate tuition of for illegal immigrants - passing it) when the opposing Republican Senator was called away on a family emergency --- so if they can get away with 'Something' they will ... and continually do so - You've always heard "the BIGGER the LIE the easier it is to accept."

When it comes to the edge of the coin - you're absolutely right --- it's going to fade quickly, and I will not own ONE --- MONEY itself is the ILLUSION which controls the 'Slaves' of this Statutory FARM that we LIVE on --- and all I want is my Freedom!

I take it that Politics are somewhat of your passion --- and I'm guessing that you are protective of your position. I would be as well. I am a natural born citizen of the United States, and very tired of the influx of 'Rats' taking away what is rightfully mine, when 'WE' are supporting the GLOBAL Economy with our illusionary money, and we're GIVING IT AWAY!

Charity begins in our own backyard, but because there are rats infesting the yard ... we have to do something about it ... like STOP FEEDING THEM!

Sorry for the rant --- but I am a little tired of having to sift through the constant LIES and Deceit - especially from the MOUTHS of our (SE) ELECTED officials.

Hope you don't mind, but If you were in my position and some of the things I have drifted through within the LEGAL system - I have learned a GREAT DEAL without trying to come unhinged, when I know the WE are the GROWING Minority --- and I can not make a living because I didn't come from the RIGHT GENE POOL - or have made the appropriate connections early in LIFE. But, then again ... I blame no one but myself --- but I refuse to continue voting on what to have for dinner, when the ONES who are voting are the WOLVES, believing they are voting with a sheep. I love ya still!
