Saturday, May 7, 2011


Just a QUICK note; I'm not sure that anyone cares --- it seems that the fight I'm involved in with CITIBANK is a good one, but people are of a mind; 'why are you fighting against the monolith?'

I've heard, 'you can't win!'

I disagree!

I can and will. Now, if others would contact me, to get on board ... we have a radio station, that can help in the spreading of the word ... unless the establishment wants to just; 'Give me mine, and I'll keep my mouth shut ... because NO ONE wants to get involved!"

No Problem. I will sign the Non disclosure agreement - take my money and let the ones who are paying into the system ... keep paying.

Believing as I do ... only stiffens my resolve, but in the past ... I've written to gain support, and there just isn't any ... and it's what 'They' count on. People want to only put their heads down and keep marching to 'their beat' --- and for some reason ... I seem to be out of step with them.