Friday, September 28, 2012


If anything, you'll be able to see when the chronological 'Turn of Events' are fully published, that: there is indeed 'Corruption' and 'Manipulation' of the JUSTICE SYSTEM going on ... especially with this case.
I have been religiously documenting the communications with certified, notarized, registered mail with return receipts to show that, this is an Erin Brockovich story against CITIBANK and the conspiracy's of Judges and attorneys are clearly evident, when you read the arguments.
Although, it took these three judges months to make a decision, it took less than ten days for the En Banc Petition to be DENIED!
To me it is obvious that the people involved in 'Denying' mine and my wife's CIVIL RIGHTS of DUE PROCESS in the Mortgage and Securities FRAUD being committed by CITIBANK and their attorneys will eventually turn in 'Our' Favor.
Every person who have had their names on this, are committing TREASON against the Constitution when the COURT is NOT following the SUPREME COURT LAW of the LAND.
The Courts have been DENYING our LAWSUIT at every turn, stating that we have failed to: STATE A CLAIM UPON WHICH RELIEF CAN BE GRANTED! Why? Because the very essence our our argument 'Tears at the very fabric of our Economic Stability' here in the UNITED STATES ... yet because we are PRO SE --- the Courts are SUBSERVIENT to the BANKING and CORPORATE institutions with unlimited resources.
There is clearly a BIASED opinion be given when, we as PRO SE individuals have at every TURN 'Stated a Claim' that CITIBANK did not at any time, have an LEGAL INTEREST in OUR PROPERTY and yet, with ANY assignments, or recorded documents, have been allowed to FORECLOSE on our property.
Of course, I can not just allow this to 'Go Silently Into The Night' - I must do what I can to show those in the public, that 'We' as individuals are being 'Defrauded' and 'They' are getting away with this thievery, by using the art of LANGUAGE and 'Ignoring' the 'FACTS' in the case. In a legal manner of putting it; the Courts are not folloing STARE DECISIS (Facts already Decided by the Courts).
Honestly, as an individual, and FIGHTING for the TRUTH ... I feel like we're getting 'Beat Up' by the school bully, while everyone is watching.
There is NO DOUBT in my MIND that OUR CASE has MERIT and is STRONGLY 'STATING a CLAIM' in the JUDICIAL SYSTEM ... and the Courts are doing what they can to 'Dismiss' the case ... only because we don't have attorneys and resources ... so therefore, 'We' must give up sometime!
Believe it or NOT ... I think we're going to be VINDICATED. If  Erin Brockovich was able to eventually win ... I do feel that with our evidence and the facts, based solely on the TRUTH ... that we will win ... if ONLY in the COURT of PUBLIC OPINION.
I continue to 'Blog' the information and will post the files, and will gladly speak to anyone willing to listen. This is an injustice not only to my wife and I, but to you as an American. This has taken on a LIFE of its own, and no matter what the court or CITIBANK says; The TRUTH of the DOCUMENTS and COMMUNICATIONS CANNOT BE DENIED.
We have tried to solicit media coverage - but in this environment or corruption from public officials and Corporate individuals ... I am the 'OPIE' in the fight against GOLIATH! (At least that's what it feels like).
And I remain appealing the CONTEMPT Conviction in the lowest county court with CITIBANK with thousands of dollars tied up in court transcripts and cash bond. The FRAUD is so apparent that it has become so disillusioning that 'Our' normal countrymen cannot see it ... while those in positions of power can, and are not doing anything about it!
That's the new country that we're living in --- and it really sucks! This is NOT what I see for 'Our' country, and therefore ... I must prevail at some turn. It will come around to 'BITE THEM in the ASS!' I cannot hardly wait for that day to come.
Please contact me ... we need people who care, and are willing to help 'Do Something' ... otherwise, it will happen to others, as it already is! At least I have been working to do something about the problem. My e-mail and contact information is listed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I was finally able to at least get the En Banc Petition Filed today in the Tenth Circuit. I would like to post the information for those who are interested, but have been very busy in just trying to keep up with the Judges who are 'Ignoring' the LAW much less the truth.
It is my intent, since I have been documenting the 'Story' with certified and return service mail, in showing that: I have been 'LIVING the TRUTH, While Dodging the LIES!'
I hope this will eventually gain enough traction in the 'System' so people can understand that we have been deprived of our Civil Rights, and I'm talking about you too. I'm not sure if people realize to what extent that; their 'Right's' are diminishing, and how fast. However, this is a TRUE Story that is as devastating to the American Way of LIFE ... and can be shown how the Governmental Judicial System is 'Subserviant' to the banking and large corporations economic resources.
It is people like YOU and I who are being 'Systematically' put through the ringer, and made to BEND OVER and TAKE IT! Well, this is ONE reason that I have filed the Petition in the Courts, because I don't like it being shoved up my ass or down my throat by CITIBANK or their equally corrupt attorneys and judges who are committing Treasonous Acts against the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
I already am fighting a second 'CONTEMPT CHARGE' while also holding onto some semblance of Justice, because what we argue is ONLY the TRUTH ... while they IGNORE ... it, and the LAW!
Why do they do this? Because YOU and I are Not in their 'Club' (BAR) and their resources and contacts allow them to PUSH around the people like YOU and I.
Are you going to stand for it? I can't seem too, for some damn reason! We need help in getting it to 'The People' and in front of a Judicial System that has not abrogated their oath's of office or their Duty! We need to get this into the MAINSTREAM, because NO media company is covering the issue because this story 'Tears at the Very Fabric' of our economy.  So far, we've been on our own, except for the help of at least a couple of people who have helped in researching case law. It became such a burden to me, that I feel GOD did send someone who has helped define the case law and argument, yet we still remain to represent 'ourselves' without an attorney - so 'they' can't hear us, or believe we'll just eventually go away, because of 'their' use of language, in explaining away why 'We have failed to State a Claim' even as they ignore the argument in the briefs. 
How is it that these judges cannot believe there are people out here who can actually interpret the language, and not see right through them? They really do want to believe that; 'They're all Sheep!'
It's that Arrogant attitude that will become their downfall! 
Just in the 'Contempt Charge' brought by CITIBANK and the attorneys, after we were forced from our home of eleven years, we have paid more than two thousand dollars for court transcripts alone, a one thousand dollar cash bond and countless dollars in printing and mailing cost. These people are real evil bastards, and I don't mind or fear in saying it at all.
Our lives have been turned upside down by a banking and judicial system that deals in 'the Color of Law' and the Unconstitutionality of 'Due Process' which is suspended in Colorado, and instead is replaced by a Rule 120 (Administrative Hearing) disguised as a law; Rule 38.38.101 (This law is  (Totally Unconstitutional - and IF I can see it, you should be able to as well)
If you're reading this, you're not even safe! If they can do this to us, they can do it to you! I have been getting a very good lesson in the art of language and business from these people, and while I want to believe in the CONSTITUTION - I fear it may be something that will be fading from our future!
Something has to be said and done ... right now ... and it's exactly what I'm fighting for ... for I am ONE of the 'Assets' of this COUNTRY and the DEBT is owed to ME and YOU, not CHINA or the rest of the WORLD!
This is MY COUNTRY, GOVERNMENT, MY LIFE and FLAG! I for ONE am VERY PROUD of its HERITAGE, and WILL SEE IT INTO THE FUTURE, if I have anything to say about it! I know that this COUNTRY is FOUNDED upon the Principals of 'ONE NATION UNDER GOD!'
Mason Ramsey