Thursday, December 12, 2013


Ladies and Gentlemen who have found their way to this blog posting; I am sorely exhausted with what I have been up against in the fraud and deceit that's been running rampant, not only in the state of Colorado, but throughout 'Our' Republic .. The United States of America.

For me, as a child growing up ... I was taught the difference between right and wrong, and have very much been someone whose had a moral and ethical nature ... although, like any human being ... I too have slipped over the line a few times in LIFE ... becoming caught up in the 'World' swirling around each and every one of us. But, I seem to always have found what I call the center and have been slowly returning to the simplicity of a simple foundation: the 'Common Sense' of following the 'Golden Rule' "Do Unto Others, as You Would Have Them Do Unto You!"

Seems simple enough right? Absolutely NOT! 

You see; we're living in a world that is inherently 'Self Centered' and very simply 'Evil' - another way of looking at it: it is simply ... the 'Common Man's' views have moved far left of that center.

But the tide is slowly turning, where the more common thoughts of man have begun awakening to something new. More and more people are beginning to realize they are being consistently lied to by those who have been placed are in positions power, and those persons are not doing what they should be doing for the good of 'Their' constituents, realizing; 'The TRUTH cannot be denied ... no matter how big the lie.

Here it is simply; When my wife and I purchased another home in November 2000, we put a great deal of time and effort into that home, working to remodel and make it 'Our' home for LIFE. In 2005 we decided to do some more remodeling and took out a loan with a company called DECISION ONE in which we gave them a promissory note for $240,000.00 and went about our business. The DEED of TRUST was recorded with the Arapahoe County Clerk of Recorders Office on November 18, 2005.

It was later when we received notice that our mortgage had been transferred and assigned to a company called CITIFINANCIAL that I began doing research on 'Assignments' and 'Recordings' and after checking with the Arapahoe County Clerk of Recorders office it was apparent: there was 'No' assignment recorded with the Clerk nor were there documents recorded except for the original DEED of TRUST filed on November 18, 2005.

Once I began a letter writing campaign to the offices of CITIFINANCIAL and receiving nothing in return aside from "We are the servicers of your promissory note and hold an interest in your DEED of TRUST" my wife and I sent the company Qualified Written Request under RESPA. 

When all of our efforts failed, and CITIFINANCIAL began the first round of 'Foreclosure Proceedings' through their designated law firm ARONOWTIZ and MECKLENBERG it placed me on path to find the TRUTH behind how 'Our Money' works within the system.

In the research I began understanding House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 --- House Joint Resolution 192, 73d Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 48, June 5, 1933 (Public Law No. 10 ) Note: "payment of debt" is now against Congressional and "public policy" and henceforth, "Every obligation . . . Shall be discharged."

So in June 2008 after dealing with CITIFINANCIAL for a very long time, we decided to file for Federal Bankruptcy which was later discharged in October 2008. In the bankruptcy we were asked if we wanted to retain our home under the original agreements, in which we stated, "Yes."
Once the bankruptcy had been discharged I continued my letter writing campaign to CITIFINANCIAL in which all communications were sent notarized, certified and return receipt, asking for conformation that CITIFINANCIAL were in fact 'The Real Parties in Interest' in which we repeatedly received no responses.

However, it was in July 2009 that we again received from ARONOWITZ and MECKLENBERG a certified package in the United States Mail asking for $189,724.72 although they were not looking to collect a debt that had been discharged in the bankruptcy, but were in fact filing an 'Election of Notice and Demand' for violating the terms of the DEED of TRUST. 

Now keep in mind, there was only ONE DEED of TRUST that had been filed and that; was recorded in the name of DECISION ONE in November 2005 and had never been assigned or recorded in the name of CITIFINANCIAL, yet it was CITIFINANCIAL who through their law firm, a DEBT Collector who was sending a 'Forged DEED of TRUST' with CITIFINANCIAL'S name, but containing the same recording information, time, date and recording number as the one with DECISION ONE filed in November 2005.

Once the NOTICE of ELECTION and DEMAND had been sent through the United States Mail with a DEED of TRUST and copy of our promissory note to DECISION ONE ... it became an ILLEGAL ACT.

Although I began reporting the crime to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I was informed that while the bureau had been aware of the illegalities ... "it has not risen to a level of interest at this time" ... according to the Attorney Generals Office led by John Suthers.

And so, fast forwarding after losing the Rule 120 hearing October 13, 2009 ... in March 2010 we received another letter from CITIFINANCIAL who had now transferred its interest to ARCH BAY 2010 LLC and SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING who immediately filed an assignment on May 05, 2010.

Oh wait ... it gets better ... on October 13, 2010 our home was sold at auction in which CITIFINANCIAL offered up a 'Certificate of Purchase' for $135,000.00 and then sold it to ARCH BAY 2010 LLC and SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING for the sum of $10.00

Now, while all of this is going on ... we had previously filed 'Liens' on the property in 2009, not to mention filing the state lawsuits and a federal suit ... and were now suddenly being sued by ARCH BAY 2010 LLC and SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING in April 2011 to show cause on why; we were standing in the way of ARCH BAY 2010 LLC and SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING possessing 'their' property, while CITIFINANCIAL were also now filing CONTEMPT charges in January 2012 against me for those very same reasons. I was facing 6 months in county jail, against a treasonous Judge Christine Chauche who violated her oath of office to uphold the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES. By the way, she's not the only one either. A couple of others include: Judge Charles Pratt, Judge Christopher Cross,  Judge Michael Spears and the Federal Magistrate Judge Charles Schaefer 10th circuit and Wiley Y. Daniel to name only a few who IGNORE the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES in favor of the fictitious and Corporate illusions.

So tell me, how can a CHAIN OF EVIDENCE go from A to C without going through B? If there is NO evidence of any B in the CHAIN, how is it possible to follow a straight line ... in this UNIVERSE ... when the line does not exist between the two points? 

And, if the commercial contract does not exist in the public records, and yet a demand for money is being sent through the United States Mail on a contracted DEED of TRUST that does not exist with a company's name, but has been altered ... isn't that a clear case of fraud and deceit? 

Isn't the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES the SUPREME LAW of the LAND? Are not the State and Federal Agencies supposed to uphold those CIVIL RIGHTS? Not when Wiley Y. Daniel's nor Magistrate Judge Charles Schaefer in my opinion ... craft responses around the law, dismissing the case so clearly fraught with illegal activities and violating the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES. It was Magistrate Charles Schaefer who said to me, "Mr. Ramsey, you are not a member of our bar" that struck me as hard as the rest of the bullshit that came out of those Judge's mouths. 

"No sir, I am not" ... but I am a living breathing man and soul with rights afforded to me under the Organic CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES that were passed on to me as an inheritance under that: LIVING BREATHING DOCUMENT inherited from my father, mother and ancestors ... and it's your job to see they are protected under that contract.

And when Judge Michale Spear did what he did, when it was so clear that CITIFINANCIAL defaulted in my State case ... he only furthered a part in the continuing crimes of 'Fraud Being Committed Upon the Courts' by the banking institutions and attorneys who are criminally complicit.

If I have clear and documented evidence, supported by the witnesses and notaries attesting to the crime being committed against me, shouldn't I be vindicated in receiving justice in this country? 

The answer is yes! And, each and everyone of you, who are inherently people born into the United States of America have a birthright and are recipients of those SUPREME rights afforded under the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

I want justice in this case ... and I would love to see those involved prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What ARONOWITZ and MECKLENBERG did with their 'Pit Bull' attorney Susan Hendrick,  Stacey Aronowitz, Joan Olsen and Robert Aronowitz did is criminal ... and they were fully aware of their actions and they should pay the ultimate price. What they've done to me ... is what they've done to thousands ... all in the name of greed in a economic system that's been ... manipulated because of their positions in society. 

Personally, when they are eventually brought to justice ... they should be punished to the extent that 'Hanging Them' would be too kind. After all ... in other countries just recently, the bankers convicted of 'Fraud' were in fact ... 'Put to Death.'

We need a society that will not condone this kind of behavior ... and while it is still happening ... I believe it is certainly going to come to an end, only because I believe ... in the righteousness of the almighty and the TRUTH cannot be denied. 

If I were in a position of being one of the leaders in this country ... I know all too well, that I am and will be held responsible for my actions ... especially when they affect the rights of others, and I could and would not be able to live with myself ... knowing that I 'Walked over someone Else's civil rights to further my own.' 

Oh that's right ... I must have a conscious and an ethical manner about myself. After all, who could do something like that to others, other than those who do not have a conscious or ethical character? If they do not ... I personally do not want to be involved with or around them ... it's that simple.

Those involved in the conspiracy to defraud the American people out of their inheritance when 'They' know the truth and are working to circumvent it ... should pay the price. Those individuals do not have the right to govern over those when 'They' themselves do not know how to govern under the natural laws of common sense and decency.

But, this is only 'My Opinion' that is afforded to me under the rights of 'Free Speech' protected by those documents we're slowly seeing vaporized as time marches on.

Mason Ramsey.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


When my wife, Judi and I began to challenge the legality of CITIBANK mortgage in 2008 owing ‘Our Home’s’ secured ‘Deed of Trust’ I guess, I never really considered that it would be possible for a company to actually be able to move forward in ‘Stealing’ our home, when there was absolutely ‘No’ documentation recorded in the court systems.

As I began to research the law regarding the ‘Assignments’ and ‘Transfer’ of debt from one party to another, I came to stark conclusions that it would be ‘Impossible’ in a world governing the ‘Structure’ ... when I retrieved a ‘Certified’ copy of the ‘Deed of Trust’ recorded in the name of DECISION ONE on December 18, 2005 at 12:18pm with a ‘Specific Number’ assigned to that document and its recording.

Yet, several years later I receive a ‘Certified Letter’ from a law firm Aronowitz and Mecklenberg, the second largest foreclosure law firm in Colorado and a debt collector asking for $189, 374.21 after our bankruptcy was discharged by the Federal Bankruptcy Court in 2008 submitting that same document, not recorded but with CITIBANK'S stamp in the upper left hand corner of the document. A forged Document. 

You’ve got to remember … CITIBANK has NEVER owned the ‘Promissory Note’ nor the ‘Deed of Trust’ – yet in 2009, CITIBANK through their attorneys Aronowitz and Mecklenberg sent a ‘Forged’ ‘Deed of Trust’ (with their name covering the original lender’s name) through the United States Mail asking for payment.

Wait it gets better; while we began to respond, it became clear that the court system in Colorado which is a Non Judicial state, allows people like Aronowitz and Mecklenberg to merely ‘Certify’ that their clients are the true owners of the debt, without having to prove it … because the ‘Law’  38.38.101 ‘Limits’ the scope in which a court can make a determination to only two elements: “Are you a member of the military, and are you behind in your mortgage payments?”

The question of ownership is not questioned and even if it is, the Judge can not rule on that question (Regardless of the Constitutional issue of ‘Due Process’) although it is a Judge’s responsibility to ‘Protect and Defend’ the Constitution of the United States. Yet the routinely ‘Ignore’ those ‘Oaths of Office’ to the detriment of the ‘People’ of the United States.

What people do realize is that law firms like that of Aronowitz and Mecklenberg and the other major firm the Castle Law Group are responsible for manipulating the law to ‘Their Favor’ so it becomes easier to ‘Steal’ the homes of unsuspecting and trusting people.

People who do not understand the difference between the definition of ‘Certification’ and ‘Affidavit’ (Swearing Under Oath) then it becomes even easier for an ‘Officer of the Court’ to get way with thieving. And that’s exactly what they’ve been doing … and now they are finally coming under fire and investigation.

While I have been documenting the ‘Evidence’ through a series of notarized, certified and returned receipt documents through the public, and with countless court documents consisting of motions, briefs and pleadings ‘Peppered’ with ‘Laws’ passed by the legislatures of the State and the Nation; it becomes impossible not to come to the conclusion: What we’ve been going through … is in fact one of the biggest LIES perpetrated not only on us, but the American People by the banking institutions and being supported by the Judicial system.

I have seen first hand how a court can construct a ‘Response’ to a pleading, and motion by ‘Crafting that Response’ completely ‘Ignoring the Laws’ cited … because, the courts are a serious part of the ‘Conspiracy’ to keep things ‘Moving Along’ so as not to destroy the ‘Illusion’ that we are in fact: ‘Slaves’ to a system in which there is a hierarchy … and ‘You and I’ are reminded much like the  comment from: Federal Magistrate Charles Schafer on February 16, 2011 as it hit me like a thunderbolt squarely between the eyes; “Mr. Ramsey, you are not a member of ‘Our Bar.’”

While not only researching the countless laws, I have also read countless books on science and philosophy from educated scholars including Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Plato (The Allegory of the Cave), Socrates, Professor David Bohm (The Wholeness and the Implicate Order, and Master Intelligent Plan), Michael Talbot (Beyond the Quantum and The Holographic Universe) Stephen Hawking, Neville (The Law & Promise and The Last Resurrection) Werner Heisenberg (The Heisenberg  Principal) and others who insist the world around us in short; is left up to us?.

As I have been waging this argument in this understanding that: it remains impossible in this ‘Realm’ for CITIBANK to argue the existence of a ‘Debt’ in which there is no ‘Chain of Custody’ much less being able to ‘Transfer’ or ‘Assign’ that debt to another, SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING who is now ‘Insisting’ through (‘The System – all three credit Bureaus’) that the loan existed, when in fact: neither my wife Judi nor I have ever signed any contract that was sent to us.

In another fact: when CITIBANK after not responding to yet another QWR (Qualified Written Request) made a back room deal with SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING in February / March 2010 and on March 16, 2010 it was SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING who sent documents claiming to now own the ‘Promissory Note’ and the ‘Deed of Trust’ and sent a new ‘Promissory Note’ disguised as a ‘Modification’ which was never signed but rejected by myself and my wife and Judi.

However it is now SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING who is ‘Reporting’ to those three major credit bureaus that: this mortgage loan which was taken out in 2005 in the name of DECISION ONE to be ‘Verified’ yet it has a completely different loan number than the one CITIBANK gave the account and a completely different number from the ORIGINAL loan with DECISION ONE, which remained to be the ‘Recorded Documents’ in the Clerk of the Courts Registry, and was certified as TRUE and CORRECT and yet still … ‘They’ continue reporting the fraud, and it’s being accepted by the ‘System’ against the ‘Objections’ of the persons contesting the validity of any such contract.

Even as reports being published recently in the Denver Post that: Colorado's two biggest foreclosure law firms, the Castle Law Group and Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, (one of the law firms with whom I have been up against for the last several years) are being investigated by the Colorado Attorney General’s Office for illegally manipulating and influencing the foreclosure process … we still remain victims.

Even as the Colorado Attorney General is finally investigating the ‘Illegal and Criminal’ activities --- I have been submitting numerous complaints and documents pertaining to these illegal activities since 2008 without being given as much as a passing thought. But, look what is coming about.

 It has been disclosed that Susan Hendrick, an attorney with the firm and who orchestrated the foreclosure against us, is now turning Whistle Blower in an attempt to jump from the frying pan and out of the fire, when Ms. Hendrick was vital in committing the FRAUD UPON the COURT.

 Here are just a couple of recent articles from the Denver Post (who only report on the surface) in which I have been trying to get their attention for years. It seems the story I’ve been living, and documenting will eventually come to fruition … but how freaking aggravating … knowing that this story is so huge, and I can not get even the attention that it deserves … outside of writing about it on a blog, where only a few people will care enough to read … or even respond.

People … you have to understand … we are being manipulated daily in our lives … and it’s not to our benefit.

No ... I don't know what you believe. I can only tell you what I believe, based on what I've experienced. What I believe is not something that others, may believe; nor that; 'they' even care, unless it becomes, cognitive in 'My' world, unless it finally arrives and becomes important in ‘Your World’ once it strikes you … and then it may be too late, and you will have to ultimately become embroiled in your own quagmire.

All I can tell you is this: What we have been going through has turned ‘Our Lives’ upside down, and I know that what we have experienced is no less a CRIME that’s been perpetrated against us, without so much as any one caring to know the real story.

However … with all of the documented letter correspondences, notices, court documents and the ‘Time Line’ leaves not only  a story of TRUTH but one of betrayal … not only against ‘Us’ but you as well.

But … who cares?

Mason Ramsey

If you want to contact me;

Sunday, July 14, 2013


 Al Sharpton seems to be fighting against American Freedoms. His ridiculous statements are only intended, from what it seems to be; an effort to keep the pot boiling. I get the impression it's not for 'We the People' as much I get the feeling that it's for, his business and personal connections or his party's 'Self Righteous' gains. America needs to stop listening to someone like Al Sharpton, when it becomes so obvious in his attempts to latch onto the 'Hot Topic' and 'Issues.' Notice that Al is the President of N.A.N. and works for MSNBC? Who died and left Al in charge? And, by the way ... who is Al to ask the Department of Justice anything? Does Al have a 'Hot Line' into the D.O.J.?
If Al can do it, shouldn’t 'We the People' be able to do it, with the affidavits of CRIMINAL behavior? Don't you get the feeling that Al is perpetrating this 'Statement' for political gain or monetary results?

 I think it's a shame that in the last several years, we have witnessed and been a part of major ‘criminal activity’ heaped on the American people. It is a fact the Department of Justice has given the banks, executives, attorneys and Judges ‘Freedom’ from prosecution after entering into an agreement in March 2012 for the banks to reimburse homeowners who were illegally foreclosed upon in the National Mortgage Scandal … that is still unfolding in America. Of course, the ‘Settlement’ to homeowner’s was a paltry sum, it still does not ‘absolve’ them of the ‘Civil Rights’ violations against those folks who were ‘Violated’ by the banks.
Imagine stealing more than 100 billion dollars. Once you’ve been caught, and the heat is on … you as the banks … enter into an agreement with the government and only made to pay back 3 to 5% of what you’ve stolen. Now if you can get away with that in this society … isn’t that leading to more death and destruction in a society? When the populace become so ‘Jaded’ by their leaders and those in authority, isn’t is harder to trust them? When you realize the mathematics and economic reality, it becomes more of a ‘heinous’ crime in ‘subjecting’ an entire society to the same inhumane treatment, while the ‘Sociopathic’ mentality of the rulers have demonstrated their ‘contempt’ for the middle class. That mentality breeds 'Crime' on fellow Human Beings.
If Al wants to make a difference ‘For the People’ Al should be calling the Department of Justice regarding the thousands of people whose civil rights are clearly being violated, and leave the State of Florida residents alone … since their judicial system has solved the problem. The opportunity to keep a Martin and Zimmerman from erupting into the violence when it did, came long before the 'Intersecting Point.' This is when people should be addressing 'Issues' and not supporting people like Al who are getting in at the 'Flash Point' for his own 'Grandstanding.'
This country in a time as it is ... should be working to live in peace and harmony, as opposed to working in ‘Ripping’ the very fabric of this nation apart, by using people against people, race against race or religion against religion. In France when the revolution was won, a committee of citizens came together, led by Rogues Pierre ... and heads rolled. People have to remember, the very words and actions of every individual is part of the story, and that story can turn on a dime and bite you on the ass! It’s only my personal opinion; but someone please tell Al Sharpton to Relax!
Mason Ramsey

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


People may not realize that since 2008, and even before, I have been systematically documenting the efforts of the 'Fraud' that has been swallowing up this country. I have spent time at the Denver offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Colorado Attorney Generals Office, sent letters to congressmen, Senators, the Sheriff, District Attorney and just about every person that I could ... telling them, while putting them on 'Notice' that there was massive 'Fraud' being committed on not only myself and wife, but the people in the State of Colorado ... and have been repeatedly 'Stonewalled' by the system, including the media over these issues ... that are so clearly fraudulent, that: it makes a person ask themselves ... 'Why are we not getting anywhere?'
I wanted to take only a moment to at least 'List' only a few of these documents that were sent Certified, Notarized and by return receipt.
To me, it's a damn shame that when you present the evidence to the F.B.I., exhibiting mail fraud regarding the mortgage fraud, and their response is; "We have talked with the Attorney Generals Office, and it hasn't risen to a level of interest at this time."
My response is simply this; "How many murders does it take, before it does rise to a level of interest?"
This happened back in 2008, and I have since been back to the F.B.I. and the Attorney Generals Office with such clear convincing evidence of racketeering that it just sickens me, that; as a single individual ... we cannot get any justice, when my wife and I have been put through the ringer ... losing all that we have, except our lives. 
It's only been from the last couple of weeks that news has been emerging that; The Rule 120 is finally getting some news from other court cases, in which I and another have helped bring to the forefront ... even from behind the scenes
Meanwhile, even while we spent hundreds of dollars in 2010 just in sending 'Packets' of those certified / return receipt documents to just about every public official here in Colorado and in Washington ... the Denver Post newspaper reports are saying; 'Second Federal Suit Challenging Foreclosure Law Emerges' when in fact, we have been in the 10th Circuit Court /  10th Circuit Court of appeals challenging the very essence of the 5th and 14th amendment, while being held in contempt of court at the state level by CITI BANK who had absolutely 'No Assignment' or 'Recorded' transfer records showing any legal standing, while the 18th District Court completely ignored and later 'Struck' the Motions and other legal records from the Courts to continue hiding the 'Truth' --- that the Statue 38.38.101 - Rule 120 is wholly unconstitutional.
Yet on May 9th, 2013 U.S. District Judge Phillip Brimmer while denying another person's complaint, sent to the Colorado Attorney General John Suthers a complaint under seal that a state law was under Constitutional review and that 'Suthers' now has 60 days to respond.
Meanwhile, my friend and associate Lisa Brumfiel who came to me while we were / still going through these 'Hoops' was recently granted a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) by Judge Martinez which all stem from the Rule 120. Now here's the twist ... the bank, knew it was in trouble and that the forces were gaining support for the Unconstitutionality of the Rule 120 ... offered Lisa a deal; in that they would stop the foreclosure and reduce her mortgage by half if she would settle. Lisa wisely said, "No!" 
In that decision, the bank then filed a motion withdrawing the foreclosure making the Federal case Moot, because they were going to take a run at her again through the state courts, since the RULE 120 favors them, and the Courts hands are somewhat tied, although Judges have the opportunity in upholding 'Their' oaths to the Constitution ... could rule otherwise, but repeatedly fall back on the 'Law' that was passed by Larry Castle's (and his Law Firm) efforts through the Colorado legislature making it easier for 'The Crooks' to 'Steal' the property without actually having the paperwork. The good thing is this; Judge Martinez saw what 'They' were trying to do and left the TRO in place ... effectively (at least for now) keeping the bank at bay ... giving Lisa at least more breathing room.
It's clear that the money powers to be do not want to have the Rule 120 overturned, because it will cause a great many problems for the bankers, and will ultimately cost billions of dollars in settlements, once the 'Dam Breaks.'

People like myself and wife have the 'Clear & Convincing Evidence' and some of it has been posted here for people to see ... yet, we're still unable to receive the justice in the loss of our residence, while continually being 'Denied' in the courts. Even with all of the Court records in 'Our' files what has happened remains a miscarriage of justice. Any person who can read and comprehend can see the Court's responses to the motions and briefs without addressing the Law of the Land, while coming up with 'Their Own' reasons in why the case/s should be dismissed. Well, I think is very clear --- the reason is; 'They do not want the Rule 120 overturned!'

I am happy for Lisa, knowing how stressed out she was every time I talked with her, while trying to tell her ... how much stress that I too have been under ... just in doing exactly what she's been doing. At least Lisa got a Judge who seemed to have some ethics and morals, while every one that I seem to have dealt with ... are just as unscrupulous and exhibit the signs of traitorous sociopaths.
When a person is dealing with situations like what we've been dealing with ... it clearly changes you ... and Lisa will be one of the first ones to tell you that very same thing. When 'We' go through the 'Fire' and start becoming more refined over the issues, it gives others the opinion that, 'They are emotionally unstable' when in fact ... 'They' are the ones who remain in the dark, because ... 'They' have 'No Understanding' on what is really going on in the world around them. It's what the 'System' counts on ... but we have to keep trying to 'Inform' and 'Educate' people of the real nature ... even as 'They' resist ... until people like Lisa may be another part of the catalyst that helps in unfolding the 'TRUTH!'

Even while 'We' began this quest those many years ago and amassing the 'Time Line' of documents ... it only seems that nothing has been transpiring. Although ... we cannot be sure, since we cannot see behind the curtain ... and remain on this side of the cloth.

And so now what? Now that Judge Brimmer has advised Colorado Attorney General John Suthers that 'A State Law' was under Constitutional review ... will all of those documents 'Notifying' not only Suthers, but the Governor, the F.B.I., Senators, Congressmen, Representatives that in fact; Everyone of those persons in a position to uphold their Oaths to PROTECT and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED States allowed attorneys, banks and lenders to Foreclose without having to prove it ... over the 'Strenuous Objections' of not only myself, but of others. With that said ... it remains in my opinion, that everyone of those people who have those documents in their hands, and have done nothing ... are guilty.

Yet, because of their ability to keep others apart, they feel they can do whatever they want without consequence. The Courts and those involved have manipulated 'The Law,' 'Ignored the Law' and have continually put persons like myself, Lisa Brumfiel and others continually at risk ... all because, as Magistrate Schaffer on February 16, 2011 succinctly stated to me; "Mr. Ramsey you are not a member of our bar!"
It is said that: a person representing themselves within the courts are to given more latitude, in that Judges have the ability to 'Read between the Lines' and when, someone like myself takes the time and effort to construct motions, briefs and other documents after researching 'The Law' and those cases are summarily dismissed ... only tells me ... 'I am dealing with a corrupt system' and not the system that 'Our' forefathers intended. What happens only serves to continue in 'Pushing Back' to retain what I/We believe to be Justice in the land that is the Home of the Free and Land of the Brave.
Regardless of being a member of the 'Bar' - I, as much as any American should have the rights and privileges afforded me by my inherent birthright, in which my ancestors fought and died to protect. My father served the government, and this is my country, and I live in a State where the 'Law' has been perverted in the name of greed. And yet, the 'Officers' of the court who are there to protect and defend, are protecting and defending 'The EVIL' that has been saturating this land ... and it's not just here in Colorado. We need LEADERS who can and will recognize the difference ... and it's all really a matter of Common Sense.
We are the ones suffering, and while we have been fighting ... all the while learning the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODES --- I truly hope the POWER of GOD rests in the works that we have been putting forth, and that not only my wife and I will receive justice ... but so will those who have equally been 'Raped' by the system of Sociopaths.
People need to look more closely at the world around them and in how, the language of 'The Law' applies to them, while looking at what may be going on 'Behind the Curtain' in the LAND of OZ. There is a lot of sense in that concept, because it is the 'Illusion' that we have to continually question. To what purpose are these things happening?
I have to believe it remains in GOD'S Plan, and that there is purpose and reasoning. And while I, as much as I have been struggling to maintain some sense out of all that we have been through, we may yet see some of the glory in the finalization of a greater outcome. What else can a person do, but put his faith in GOD, when the world around us doesn't respond to the 'Common Sense' reasoning of 'A Man/Woman' living in the material world? 
And finally, what ever I/we have done has not gone unnoticed, as much as it may seem that 'We' are living on an island, when there is no response to the most obvious.
You cannot go from A to C without going through B, and when a 'Debt Collector' like Aronowitz and Mecklenburg of Colorado sends a 'Debt Collection' letter through the U.S. Mail with a 'Forged Deed of Trust' that DOES NOT exist ... and is clearly fraud ... especially when 'We' have a 'Certified Copy' of the Deed of Trust (from the Arapahoe County Clerk of the Court) in the name of another. So if that 'Forged Deed of Trust' is sent through the U.S. Mail that was filed on a 'Specific Date and Time, with an Original Reception Number' on the original ... how can not the most intelligence of agencies, like the F.B.I. or the Attorney Generals Office see the obvious CRIME against its people?
Let me spell it out for the agencies ... 'The Document in the name of DECISION ONE filed years earlier in DECEMBER 2005 at a specific time and Date with a specific Reception number ... cannot be the same document now containing a stamp with CITIFINANCIAL over the original name, without being assigned and or recorded on a different day ... it remains IMPOSSIBLE even in this world. Simple. It is a Fraudulent document that was sent to collect a debt, that was discharged in the name of another ... and you've been caught. It's only a matter of time before you pay for the crimes that you've committed ... either here ... or being judged by GOD.
And with the cases filed in the 10th Circuit, where Lisa is receiving 'Some' relief' makes me wonder ... if those same judges were aware of the 'En Banc' petitions that were filed and dismissed in 'Our' case, and so quickly as well. Aren't they all working in the same building?
Makes you wonder ... doesn't it? It does make me extremely curious as to when are 'The People' going to wake up and pull together? I guess we may see some of it coming ... slowly ... and would love to get 'Our Lives' back!  After all ... it is 'Our Country, 'Our Government' and 'Our Way of Life' and we deserve and demand restitution from the criminals who have committed harm against ... not ONLY us ... but ALL of US!
Mason Ramsey

Sunday, April 7, 2013


In Other words, by entering into a 'Stipulation,' The Office of the Comptroller of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which answers to the Department of Justice, will not be prosecuting the Criminal activity of the 'Bankers' who have ruined the lives of a LOT of people, by stealing 'Their' homes, and taking it for themselves.  
I'm not going to bore you with the details, and in fact have only included the first four (4) pages of this lengthy document. However, what it says in fact, is that: the Banks have violated the very essence of the Constitution of the United States, but are not admitting to the 'Crime' and while there was approximately 100 BILLION dollars stolen, they are going to be allowed to keep most of that money, while only returning a 'scathing pittance' of money to those who have lost their entire lives and assets. How fair, do you think that is?
It's akin to someone committing murder, and because they have the money to 'Buy' their way out of the mess, the prosecutors, who are supposed to protect your rights under the Constitution of the United States, have made a deal with the CRIMINALS in 'NOT' prosecuting them for the crime, and only giving them a slap on the wrist. In fact, I have reported the crime on more than three occasions to the Federal Bureau of investigation, while providing 'affidavits' and 'Notices' to every politician in office to no avail. 
You and I, as Americans are being ignored by the Judicial arm of our government, and although I have represented myself within the 18th District here in Colorado, and also in the Tenth (10th) Circuit Federal Court --- we're being treated with the fine art of language, in 'skirting' our rights ... and it only infuriates an individual, when a person can see clearly, that: if you quote the law, and there's no reference in the response, and then dismissed, as Stating NO Claim' - then you know ... there's a problem ... and it's not with the people, it's the 'Corrupt' Judges and Attorneys who are supposed to be protecting your rights.
People are getting more and more pissed off, and a time is coming when something will happen to 'Right' the problem. If you take into consideration, the following fact regarding any 'Unconstitutional Act' because; it does not make any difference what ruling 'They' make when 'Their' actions are illegal, and immoral. I don't know why more people don't understand that simple fact. How many murders, does it take for the authorities to prosecute the criminal? It makes no difference if it is a murder, or robbery, assault or any crime --- you do not make a deal with the criminal, unless you're 'One of the Criminals!' Isn't that logical, Spock?
Court cases in support: 
The Supreme Court on unconstitutional legislation:  An unconstitutional act is void "ab initio" i.e. from the beginning!  The "void ab initio" doctrine received its classic formulation in the case of Norton v. Shelby Co.118 U.S. 425, 442, 6 S.Ct. 1121, 1125, 30 L.Ed. 178 (1886) wherein it was held that:  "An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights;  it imposes no duties;  it affords no protection, it creates no office;  it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." See also Ex parte Siebold, 100 U.S. 371, 376-77, 25 L.Ed. 717 (1879) ("An unconstitutional law is void, and is as no law.  An offense created by it is not a crime.  A conviction under it is not merely erroneous, but is illegal and void, and cannot be a legal cause of imprisonment.").

You can see for yourself, all you have to do is look, read and comprehend. If you don't, then there will come a time, when you're going to want someone to help you, and they're not going to ... and the history of what the Nazi's taught us ... will come back to 'Haunt You!' Once you get to that point ... it's going to be too late for you.  As it stands, I am, and have always been hoping for the best, as I keep moving forward in hopes that my wife and I will receive the justice ... knowing that I have been fighting this fight since before 2008. and now, look ... a third party consulting firm, Rust Consulting Firm is making determinations to see who is qualified to receive 'Compensation' for having their homes stolen.

I Guess we'll see where it lands, when the dust settles as I continue to 'Trust' in the nature of GOD'S Plan ... knowing ...they're going to 'Get Their's' eventually and I only hope that I am there to see it. Meanwhile, I am ready to get my LIFE back on track, but who knows; maybe what I've been doing these last several years have helped in some small way to bring about some justice ... somehow.
I guess we're not promised tomorrow, but I certainly wouldn't mind receiving a 'Settlement' so I can keep moving forward with a career, as opposed to being a 'House Husband, law researcher, wanna be writer, radio producer, business conceptualist.'
I am somewhat feeling like I'm living the 'LIFE of PI' and somehow or another this is gonna see land one day ... and I can watch the Tiger walk off into the jungle ... and, I don't mind if he doesn't turn and look back ... good riddance. I was tired of riding in the same damn boat with him anyway

Friday, January 25, 2013


Does anyone think that; this is odd? How can people like my wife and myself go through a foreclosure at the hands of  a major banking institution like CITIFINANCIAL / CITIMORTGAGE in 2009 and not be in their files ... or their Data Base ... as they refer to it?
OH WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right ... they must not have had the 'Paperwork' or 'Loan' to show in their database on the State or National level, and yet 'they' have 'Openly' committed 'Fraud Upon the Court' by standing up in that; 'Open Court,' saying: "We own the 'Right to Foreclose' you honor ... here's the paperwork" and they did so in 2009, by procedurally 'Certifying' without an 'Affidavit' or 'Oath'  ... knowing with full measure that 'Their' company as the Banking institution, nor themselves through 'Their' attorneys Aronowitz and Mecklenberg do not meet the qualifications with the 'Appropriate Paper Work!'
So now we are not in the registry on the National level or have bee purposely 'Left Out' as part of the National Settlement? Isn't that just another 'Clue' or another piece of the bullshit puzzle, that they seem to keep 'Spreading' on the top of the cake they're baking for the American Public? Common sense dictates that if there was NO actual loan in the name of CITIFINANCIAL / CITIMORTGAGE ... and  NO paperwork ... there would be  NO reason 'Our' names would be in 'Their' database ... and very much supporting the case ... CITIFINANCIAL / CITIMORTGAGE ... at no time have proceeded legally with the theft of 'Our' home here in Colorado.
Further more ... CITIFINANCIAL filed those CONTEMPT of COURT Charges in January 2011 stating that; Mason Ramsey was standing in the way of possessing 'Their' property. Again ,there remains no paperwork showing 'Any Assignment' or 'RECORDED DEED of TRUST' in the name of CITIFINANCIAL / CITIMORTGAGE.
I remain confident that: the 'TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS' will prevail and we will see some good news, especially with the prevailing winds changing in AMERICA and people beginning to understand - these bastards are the 'Crooks' who are tearing this country apart.

Even when a 'Common Man' has all of the paperwork in front of him, it so easy to see ... they are doing all they can to keep from having this become an 'Issue' in the light ... and that we'll just 'Give up and go Away' --- How can I? Not until someone explains to me, that ... oh no, "We had the paperwork, even though it's not in the National Data Base." And, "Oh yes, we stole your house through the courts by 'Certifying' (Not Swearing under Oath) that we were the rightful parties, bought it at auction and sold it to another party!" "Oh don't worry about ... if the 'Time Line' doesn't match either ... it doesn't matter, because the treasonous Judges and Politicians are on 'our Side' --- so just shut up ... and go away ... no one cares about your Constitutional Rights ... where do you think you live ... in the America from 1776 - 1911?"

When is the Court system going to 'Do the Right Thing?' When is the government going to be "The Government of the People by the People" ... instead of doing 'Their' own thing?

Don't you people believe? I do! I know without a doubt that, the documentary evidence on the chess board of LIFE proves ... these people are out of control ... and now need to be made to pay the price! How many murders does it take for the F.B.I. or the Attorney General to make a case against a serial killer? ... Much less ... serial white collar criminals who are 'Waging War' against the American Public?

I have made the complaints public ... and we're still being ignored. I apologize, because I just cannot seem to 'Give it up!' When I know what I know to be the TRUTH and the Impossibility in the CRIME they are committing! Whose going to do something to help ... bring them to justice?

When will there be some National Media Coverage with the insurmountable documents that are evidential evidence in the violation of the Uniform Commercial Codes and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? I have been there  ... fighting them for more than six years ... just so you, who may be reading this ... will know; it's not only we, who are being violated in this matter ... it's you too!

DECEMBER 18, 2005DEED of TRUST recorded with Arapahoe County Clerk & Recorder's Office.

October 28, 2008 - BANKRUPTCY

July 31, 2009 -  Letter from Aronowitz and Mecklenberg asking for DEBT using 2005 'DEED of TRUST' in the NAME of DECISION ONE (not Recorded by CITIFINANCIAL nor 'Assigned' but contains the CITIFINANCIAL stamps over the 'Copy' of an 'Original' document containing the same information.

October 13, 2009 - RULE 120 - Granting CITIFINANCIAL the right to sell 'Our' Home of 12 years.

May 05, 2010    - An Assignment Recorded to ARCH BAY HOLDINGS,LLP /SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICES - in the Arapahoe County Clerk and Court Records.

October 13, 2010   - CITIFINANCIAL SALE to itself via Arapahoe County Public Trustee --- no money exchanges hands, but through a Certification is given as funds.

November 2010   -   FED Hearing filed by CITIFINANCIAL / Aronowitz and Mecklenberg -
January 11, 2011   - CONTEMPT filed by CITIFINANCIAL / Aronowitz and Mecklenberg -  
March 01, 2011   -  Hearing - the Court knew after being told - That: we did follow the court's directive, MOVING out of the home - however - the court arraigns Mason Ramsey against my objections on three separate occasions ... the Court calls it  an 'Advisement' entering a 'Not GUILTY' plea on my behalf and over 'My' objections.

March 2011 -  ARCH BAY HOLDING LLP file Lawsuit on Spurious Liens

March 2011 -  Gary Fielder law firm hired to help untangle the mess/ cure default - get down to the basic elements of FRAUD! 
And we're still ... being treated as if 'Our Voice,' 'Experiences' or the 'Evidence' that we have or have been through are of; And, 'their attitude' has always been the same ... 'It's of No Consequences --- and you really cannot do anything about what has been happening.' 
There is no doubt, 'Our' lives have taken a great turn and has taken a tremendous 'Toll'  on 'Our' mental state but 'Our' physical presence as well.
Yet, we feel ... there is a 'Glorious'  outcome ... and we are eagerly looking for that to happen. Tomorrow would not too soon - but we're ready. 
This information is intended to keep you informed: to know what is happening, and how it can happen to you, if hasn't already.
And there is no way that anything ... this criminal in nature ... can go unchecked, and one reason that I would place my trust in people like Joe Arpaio (The Sheriff of Maricopa County).
We NEED GOOD MEN & WOMEN unafraid to do the 'RIGHT THING in this COUNTRY!'
that cannot be refuted as anything but the 'TRUTH!'