Thursday, August 15, 2013


When my wife, Judi and I began to challenge the legality of CITIBANK mortgage in 2008 owing ‘Our Home’s’ secured ‘Deed of Trust’ I guess, I never really considered that it would be possible for a company to actually be able to move forward in ‘Stealing’ our home, when there was absolutely ‘No’ documentation recorded in the court systems.

As I began to research the law regarding the ‘Assignments’ and ‘Transfer’ of debt from one party to another, I came to stark conclusions that it would be ‘Impossible’ in a world governing the ‘Structure’ ... when I retrieved a ‘Certified’ copy of the ‘Deed of Trust’ recorded in the name of DECISION ONE on December 18, 2005 at 12:18pm with a ‘Specific Number’ assigned to that document and its recording.

Yet, several years later I receive a ‘Certified Letter’ from a law firm Aronowitz and Mecklenberg, the second largest foreclosure law firm in Colorado and a debt collector asking for $189, 374.21 after our bankruptcy was discharged by the Federal Bankruptcy Court in 2008 submitting that same document, not recorded but with CITIBANK'S stamp in the upper left hand corner of the document. A forged Document. 

You’ve got to remember … CITIBANK has NEVER owned the ‘Promissory Note’ nor the ‘Deed of Trust’ – yet in 2009, CITIBANK through their attorneys Aronowitz and Mecklenberg sent a ‘Forged’ ‘Deed of Trust’ (with their name covering the original lender’s name) through the United States Mail asking for payment.

Wait it gets better; while we began to respond, it became clear that the court system in Colorado which is a Non Judicial state, allows people like Aronowitz and Mecklenberg to merely ‘Certify’ that their clients are the true owners of the debt, without having to prove it … because the ‘Law’  38.38.101 ‘Limits’ the scope in which a court can make a determination to only two elements: “Are you a member of the military, and are you behind in your mortgage payments?”

The question of ownership is not questioned and even if it is, the Judge can not rule on that question (Regardless of the Constitutional issue of ‘Due Process’) although it is a Judge’s responsibility to ‘Protect and Defend’ the Constitution of the United States. Yet the routinely ‘Ignore’ those ‘Oaths of Office’ to the detriment of the ‘People’ of the United States.

What people do realize is that law firms like that of Aronowitz and Mecklenberg and the other major firm the Castle Law Group are responsible for manipulating the law to ‘Their Favor’ so it becomes easier to ‘Steal’ the homes of unsuspecting and trusting people.

People who do not understand the difference between the definition of ‘Certification’ and ‘Affidavit’ (Swearing Under Oath) then it becomes even easier for an ‘Officer of the Court’ to get way with thieving. And that’s exactly what they’ve been doing … and now they are finally coming under fire and investigation.

While I have been documenting the ‘Evidence’ through a series of notarized, certified and returned receipt documents through the public, and with countless court documents consisting of motions, briefs and pleadings ‘Peppered’ with ‘Laws’ passed by the legislatures of the State and the Nation; it becomes impossible not to come to the conclusion: What we’ve been going through … is in fact one of the biggest LIES perpetrated not only on us, but the American People by the banking institutions and being supported by the Judicial system.

I have seen first hand how a court can construct a ‘Response’ to a pleading, and motion by ‘Crafting that Response’ completely ‘Ignoring the Laws’ cited … because, the courts are a serious part of the ‘Conspiracy’ to keep things ‘Moving Along’ so as not to destroy the ‘Illusion’ that we are in fact: ‘Slaves’ to a system in which there is a hierarchy … and ‘You and I’ are reminded much like the  comment from: Federal Magistrate Charles Schafer on February 16, 2011 as it hit me like a thunderbolt squarely between the eyes; “Mr. Ramsey, you are not a member of ‘Our Bar.’”

While not only researching the countless laws, I have also read countless books on science and philosophy from educated scholars including Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Plato (The Allegory of the Cave), Socrates, Professor David Bohm (The Wholeness and the Implicate Order, and Master Intelligent Plan), Michael Talbot (Beyond the Quantum and The Holographic Universe) Stephen Hawking, Neville (The Law & Promise and The Last Resurrection) Werner Heisenberg (The Heisenberg  Principal) and others who insist the world around us in short; is left up to us?.

As I have been waging this argument in this understanding that: it remains impossible in this ‘Realm’ for CITIBANK to argue the existence of a ‘Debt’ in which there is no ‘Chain of Custody’ much less being able to ‘Transfer’ or ‘Assign’ that debt to another, SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING who is now ‘Insisting’ through (‘The System – all three credit Bureaus’) that the loan existed, when in fact: neither my wife Judi nor I have ever signed any contract that was sent to us.

In another fact: when CITIBANK after not responding to yet another QWR (Qualified Written Request) made a back room deal with SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING in February / March 2010 and on March 16, 2010 it was SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING who sent documents claiming to now own the ‘Promissory Note’ and the ‘Deed of Trust’ and sent a new ‘Promissory Note’ disguised as a ‘Modification’ which was never signed but rejected by myself and my wife and Judi.

However it is now SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING who is ‘Reporting’ to those three major credit bureaus that: this mortgage loan which was taken out in 2005 in the name of DECISION ONE to be ‘Verified’ yet it has a completely different loan number than the one CITIBANK gave the account and a completely different number from the ORIGINAL loan with DECISION ONE, which remained to be the ‘Recorded Documents’ in the Clerk of the Courts Registry, and was certified as TRUE and CORRECT and yet still … ‘They’ continue reporting the fraud, and it’s being accepted by the ‘System’ against the ‘Objections’ of the persons contesting the validity of any such contract.

Even as reports being published recently in the Denver Post that: Colorado's two biggest foreclosure law firms, the Castle Law Group and Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, (one of the law firms with whom I have been up against for the last several years) are being investigated by the Colorado Attorney General’s Office for illegally manipulating and influencing the foreclosure process … we still remain victims.

Even as the Colorado Attorney General is finally investigating the ‘Illegal and Criminal’ activities --- I have been submitting numerous complaints and documents pertaining to these illegal activities since 2008 without being given as much as a passing thought. But, look what is coming about.

 It has been disclosed that Susan Hendrick, an attorney with the firm and who orchestrated the foreclosure against us, is now turning Whistle Blower in an attempt to jump from the frying pan and out of the fire, when Ms. Hendrick was vital in committing the FRAUD UPON the COURT.

 Here are just a couple of recent articles from the Denver Post (who only report on the surface) in which I have been trying to get their attention for years. It seems the story I’ve been living, and documenting will eventually come to fruition … but how freaking aggravating … knowing that this story is so huge, and I can not get even the attention that it deserves … outside of writing about it on a blog, where only a few people will care enough to read … or even respond.

People … you have to understand … we are being manipulated daily in our lives … and it’s not to our benefit.

No ... I don't know what you believe. I can only tell you what I believe, based on what I've experienced. What I believe is not something that others, may believe; nor that; 'they' even care, unless it becomes, cognitive in 'My' world, unless it finally arrives and becomes important in ‘Your World’ once it strikes you … and then it may be too late, and you will have to ultimately become embroiled in your own quagmire.

All I can tell you is this: What we have been going through has turned ‘Our Lives’ upside down, and I know that what we have experienced is no less a CRIME that’s been perpetrated against us, without so much as any one caring to know the real story.

However … with all of the documented letter correspondences, notices, court documents and the ‘Time Line’ leaves not only  a story of TRUTH but one of betrayal … not only against ‘Us’ but you as well.

But … who cares?

Mason Ramsey

If you want to contact me;