Thursday, December 12, 2013


Ladies and Gentlemen who have found their way to this blog posting; I am sorely exhausted with what I have been up against in the fraud and deceit that's been running rampant, not only in the state of Colorado, but throughout 'Our' Republic .. The United States of America.

For me, as a child growing up ... I was taught the difference between right and wrong, and have very much been someone whose had a moral and ethical nature ... although, like any human being ... I too have slipped over the line a few times in LIFE ... becoming caught up in the 'World' swirling around each and every one of us. But, I seem to always have found what I call the center and have been slowly returning to the simplicity of a simple foundation: the 'Common Sense' of following the 'Golden Rule' "Do Unto Others, as You Would Have Them Do Unto You!"

Seems simple enough right? Absolutely NOT! 

You see; we're living in a world that is inherently 'Self Centered' and very simply 'Evil' - another way of looking at it: it is simply ... the 'Common Man's' views have moved far left of that center.

But the tide is slowly turning, where the more common thoughts of man have begun awakening to something new. More and more people are beginning to realize they are being consistently lied to by those who have been placed are in positions power, and those persons are not doing what they should be doing for the good of 'Their' constituents, realizing; 'The TRUTH cannot be denied ... no matter how big the lie.

Here it is simply; When my wife and I purchased another home in November 2000, we put a great deal of time and effort into that home, working to remodel and make it 'Our' home for LIFE. In 2005 we decided to do some more remodeling and took out a loan with a company called DECISION ONE in which we gave them a promissory note for $240,000.00 and went about our business. The DEED of TRUST was recorded with the Arapahoe County Clerk of Recorders Office on November 18, 2005.

It was later when we received notice that our mortgage had been transferred and assigned to a company called CITIFINANCIAL that I began doing research on 'Assignments' and 'Recordings' and after checking with the Arapahoe County Clerk of Recorders office it was apparent: there was 'No' assignment recorded with the Clerk nor were there documents recorded except for the original DEED of TRUST filed on November 18, 2005.

Once I began a letter writing campaign to the offices of CITIFINANCIAL and receiving nothing in return aside from "We are the servicers of your promissory note and hold an interest in your DEED of TRUST" my wife and I sent the company Qualified Written Request under RESPA. 

When all of our efforts failed, and CITIFINANCIAL began the first round of 'Foreclosure Proceedings' through their designated law firm ARONOWTIZ and MECKLENBERG it placed me on path to find the TRUTH behind how 'Our Money' works within the system.

In the research I began understanding House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 --- House Joint Resolution 192, 73d Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 48, June 5, 1933 (Public Law No. 10 ) Note: "payment of debt" is now against Congressional and "public policy" and henceforth, "Every obligation . . . Shall be discharged."

So in June 2008 after dealing with CITIFINANCIAL for a very long time, we decided to file for Federal Bankruptcy which was later discharged in October 2008. In the bankruptcy we were asked if we wanted to retain our home under the original agreements, in which we stated, "Yes."
Once the bankruptcy had been discharged I continued my letter writing campaign to CITIFINANCIAL in which all communications were sent notarized, certified and return receipt, asking for conformation that CITIFINANCIAL were in fact 'The Real Parties in Interest' in which we repeatedly received no responses.

However, it was in July 2009 that we again received from ARONOWITZ and MECKLENBERG a certified package in the United States Mail asking for $189,724.72 although they were not looking to collect a debt that had been discharged in the bankruptcy, but were in fact filing an 'Election of Notice and Demand' for violating the terms of the DEED of TRUST. 

Now keep in mind, there was only ONE DEED of TRUST that had been filed and that; was recorded in the name of DECISION ONE in November 2005 and had never been assigned or recorded in the name of CITIFINANCIAL, yet it was CITIFINANCIAL who through their law firm, a DEBT Collector who was sending a 'Forged DEED of TRUST' with CITIFINANCIAL'S name, but containing the same recording information, time, date and recording number as the one with DECISION ONE filed in November 2005.

Once the NOTICE of ELECTION and DEMAND had been sent through the United States Mail with a DEED of TRUST and copy of our promissory note to DECISION ONE ... it became an ILLEGAL ACT.

Although I began reporting the crime to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I was informed that while the bureau had been aware of the illegalities ... "it has not risen to a level of interest at this time" ... according to the Attorney Generals Office led by John Suthers.

And so, fast forwarding after losing the Rule 120 hearing October 13, 2009 ... in March 2010 we received another letter from CITIFINANCIAL who had now transferred its interest to ARCH BAY 2010 LLC and SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING who immediately filed an assignment on May 05, 2010.

Oh wait ... it gets better ... on October 13, 2010 our home was sold at auction in which CITIFINANCIAL offered up a 'Certificate of Purchase' for $135,000.00 and then sold it to ARCH BAY 2010 LLC and SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING for the sum of $10.00

Now, while all of this is going on ... we had previously filed 'Liens' on the property in 2009, not to mention filing the state lawsuits and a federal suit ... and were now suddenly being sued by ARCH BAY 2010 LLC and SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING in April 2011 to show cause on why; we were standing in the way of ARCH BAY 2010 LLC and SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING possessing 'their' property, while CITIFINANCIAL were also now filing CONTEMPT charges in January 2012 against me for those very same reasons. I was facing 6 months in county jail, against a treasonous Judge Christine Chauche who violated her oath of office to uphold the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES. By the way, she's not the only one either. A couple of others include: Judge Charles Pratt, Judge Christopher Cross,  Judge Michael Spears and the Federal Magistrate Judge Charles Schaefer 10th circuit and Wiley Y. Daniel to name only a few who IGNORE the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES in favor of the fictitious and Corporate illusions.

So tell me, how can a CHAIN OF EVIDENCE go from A to C without going through B? If there is NO evidence of any B in the CHAIN, how is it possible to follow a straight line ... in this UNIVERSE ... when the line does not exist between the two points? 

And, if the commercial contract does not exist in the public records, and yet a demand for money is being sent through the United States Mail on a contracted DEED of TRUST that does not exist with a company's name, but has been altered ... isn't that a clear case of fraud and deceit? 

Isn't the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES the SUPREME LAW of the LAND? Are not the State and Federal Agencies supposed to uphold those CIVIL RIGHTS? Not when Wiley Y. Daniel's nor Magistrate Judge Charles Schaefer in my opinion ... craft responses around the law, dismissing the case so clearly fraught with illegal activities and violating the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES. It was Magistrate Charles Schaefer who said to me, "Mr. Ramsey, you are not a member of our bar" that struck me as hard as the rest of the bullshit that came out of those Judge's mouths. 

"No sir, I am not" ... but I am a living breathing man and soul with rights afforded to me under the Organic CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES that were passed on to me as an inheritance under that: LIVING BREATHING DOCUMENT inherited from my father, mother and ancestors ... and it's your job to see they are protected under that contract.

And when Judge Michale Spear did what he did, when it was so clear that CITIFINANCIAL defaulted in my State case ... he only furthered a part in the continuing crimes of 'Fraud Being Committed Upon the Courts' by the banking institutions and attorneys who are criminally complicit.

If I have clear and documented evidence, supported by the witnesses and notaries attesting to the crime being committed against me, shouldn't I be vindicated in receiving justice in this country? 

The answer is yes! And, each and everyone of you, who are inherently people born into the United States of America have a birthright and are recipients of those SUPREME rights afforded under the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

I want justice in this case ... and I would love to see those involved prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What ARONOWITZ and MECKLENBERG did with their 'Pit Bull' attorney Susan Hendrick,  Stacey Aronowitz, Joan Olsen and Robert Aronowitz did is criminal ... and they were fully aware of their actions and they should pay the ultimate price. What they've done to me ... is what they've done to thousands ... all in the name of greed in a economic system that's been ... manipulated because of their positions in society. 

Personally, when they are eventually brought to justice ... they should be punished to the extent that 'Hanging Them' would be too kind. After all ... in other countries just recently, the bankers convicted of 'Fraud' were in fact ... 'Put to Death.'

We need a society that will not condone this kind of behavior ... and while it is still happening ... I believe it is certainly going to come to an end, only because I believe ... in the righteousness of the almighty and the TRUTH cannot be denied. 

If I were in a position of being one of the leaders in this country ... I know all too well, that I am and will be held responsible for my actions ... especially when they affect the rights of others, and I could and would not be able to live with myself ... knowing that I 'Walked over someone Else's civil rights to further my own.' 

Oh that's right ... I must have a conscious and an ethical manner about myself. After all, who could do something like that to others, other than those who do not have a conscious or ethical character? If they do not ... I personally do not want to be involved with or around them ... it's that simple.

Those involved in the conspiracy to defraud the American people out of their inheritance when 'They' know the truth and are working to circumvent it ... should pay the price. Those individuals do not have the right to govern over those when 'They' themselves do not know how to govern under the natural laws of common sense and decency.

But, this is only 'My Opinion' that is afforded to me under the rights of 'Free Speech' protected by those documents we're slowly seeing vaporized as time marches on.

Mason Ramsey.