Friday, September 26, 2008


I do not think it really is that hard in fleshing out!

Americans are taking it in the shorts, because of this need in disguising "America's Failing Economy," as helping 'Ourselves' when we are really 'Bailing out the Rest of the World!'

The bottom line is simply this: This country is still indebted through HISTORY, greatly to King George and the rest of the World ... who are really a greater part of the 'Ruling Class' and 'Elitist' with 'Their Hands' tucked way down deep into our Economy's pockets, and 'They' are helping 'Themselves.'

And, 'They' (Themselves) ... are some of 'US' by having a vested interest in 'Feeding their masters' or ... they are not going to: live the way they have grown accustomed to, because they consider 'Us' to be their 'Slaves' and 'They' by any means ... are not 'Good Masters!'

Americans really do need to 'Help Ourselves' and not the 'Ruling Class' - and I, for one opinion: do not care if they are Republicans, Democrats or Independent or members of the Libertarian parities, black, white, brown, yellow, red or any shades of gray. I only care, that we keep what we have, and fight to keep America safe from being overrun by 'Outsiders' while losing it from the 'Inside' by giving it away, by the 'Traitors' in our midst!

In the grand scheme of things on the Political front, it boils down to America's Home Front ... and each one of 'Us' are going to have to understand, that it hurts our credibility, when we as LEGAL American citizens, fail to keep our selves educated enough to know that: 'It's all an illusion ... meant to keep the mainstream under subjection' especially, when we don't look at it from a mathematical equation ... coupled with some good ol' fashioned common sense.

What most people, and not just in America ... NEVER do --- is USE THEIR BRAINS! It is not true of everyone, but for most ... they do not, because they accept it through tolerance, and with tolerance comes acceptance, without much more thought ... believing ... nothing can be done.

If the information that I have is correct, from what I know as a high school graduate with a doctorate from 'The University of LIFE ... does know: That in America, there are only approximately 300 hundred million LEGAL citizens, and knowing a little about math; 100 pennies equal a Federal Reserve Note, and One Hundred of those makes another hundred thousand, and eventually, it all adds up to a billion of those 'Pieces of paper' and multiplying it times another number --- and then --- divided by the bottom line ... is where you find yourself.

And with that, I can open my eyes, and see that "I AM NOT GETTING MY FAIR SHARE! And IF I am NOT getting MY Fair Share ... YOU ARE NOT GETTING YOURS!"

I can look around at the knuckleheads, who are making those decisions, not only on Wall Street, but Main Street USA, and I can see, 'they' are driving extremely nicer vehicles, living in lavish houses, wearing nifty threads and living the 'LIFE of Riley,' while they are spending my 'Inheritance' fought for by yours and my ancestors in my GOD given right to a piece of this Country's foundational citizenry. I FEEL ENTITLED to receive it, before any other Foreign persons, in or out of this Country ... can get their hands on it.

With that in mind: If the Economy is back by those Federal Reserve Notes (Which most people don't know what they are); then the math does not add up.

Americans ... as a Country, equal less than approximately 6% of the world's population, and we ARE SITTING ON THE PRIME REAL ESTATE ... on this planet, that is being transferred out from UNDER OUR FEET. There is too much Corporate Greed in the upper ruling class, and elitist, who don't care, because they already have theirs!

This DEBT that we as Americans keep incurring, fighting to save the rest of the World is only being created through 'Paper' at the expense of the American public, when the rest of the world, is using that money to buy 'Our Country with money that is becoming more worthless' as 'they' try and balance the books ... using 'Our' collateral, which is: you and I, and the Land that we Live on, in a Country that has a long history of ownership, (through hundreds of years) much less the centuries old struggles for land ... around the rest of the world ... just to keep you enslaved to their authority.

I don't want any part of it! If The 'Federal Reserve' can print the money for any 'Bail Out' to the tune of Billions of dollars ... then I say "GIVE ME MINE FIRST!" I can still clear enough money, while still paying taxes on that money back to 'MY GOVERNMENT ... to make a real difference in MY LIFE ... not mention my wife, children and the rest of my family.

If I were to receive enough money to pay off my mortgage, secure my health, food, educational, transportation, entertainment and any other needs in a 'Bail Out' ... then lets take care of Americans first ... since it would solve our immediate needs ... first. I then will OWN something that will be forever and a day ... MINE, until I choose to do otherwise, BUT "Let me MAKE THAT DECISION for myself!" Then lets get back to fishing, farming and re industrializing America and educating our children in farming the new technology for the future.

It will enable our following generations to work from a studier foundation in HOLDING ONTO OUR COUNTRY as opposed to FIGHTING FOR IT ... AGAIN!

Most Americans are letting the 'Elitist' sell them on the 'Slavery Box' because they don't understand; they do not have to accept everything being told to them, or even accepting everything, that is being sold to them ... including the imported and tainted goods at the expense of the 'Human Rights' of the rest of the world ... when this is all coming from financiers profiting greater and often times ... outlandishly and ridiculously ... sums and amounts that would reach all the way to Zeta Reticulai (sp).

You should come to the reality ... the money being printed to 'Bail Out' the major corporations, can 'Bail You Out FIRST!' If it's money in the billions, then most Americans have never seen a windfall like a 'Half a Million Dollars' to 'Bail them out.'

Sure ... not everyone is going to do the right thing with 'their' money, but I can tell you this: If I don't have to worry about my housing, health concerns, transportation, food, education or my family's needs, because WE HAVE ENOUGH to take care of Americans first ... that is the kind of 'Bail Out' that I need ... and then lets start taking back 'Our' Country from foreign investors and traitors, who want to give it away to EVERYONE ELSE!

Lets pass AMERICAN laws favorable to AMERICANS first. I care about our world, but the pain hurts here ... and I am not sure that I can justify helping others when there is so much suffering with 'No trickle Down' from the morally unconscionable Greed mongers who want to keep it all for themselves ... and fooling a public into believing ... "We're making the best decision for you"
No thanks ... I just may have become a Libertarian.


tHERE is SO much that I want to say about what is going on in the economy in what Ive learned, but I am worried that people who read, may not understand the tRUE implications on what their real remedies are. I have learned that 'WE' as AMERICANS are entitled to an exemption that has been given to us at birth ... only we have not been educated in retrieving those credits, we are entitled in receiving.

How about starting a TRUE movement for a group of people willing to learn and educate themselves in gaining their Independence through this exemption? It is possible, but YOU have to have an interest to further it along. Contact me ... and if it's meant to be ... we will find it along the way.

It's a two way street not traveled by many, but those who do have ... are already living a better LIFE, because they've OPTED OUT by signing an agreement with the powers to be ... or It's either That: or they've been eliminated.

I'm willing to take the chance that GOD is protecting ME ... at least I have to believe in the faith that he is ... it's the NATURAL LAWS of the UNIVERSE! There has to be a reason beyond explanation for the world that we live in, and it may be as easy as opening our eyes to the real possibilities that may be right in front of us. We just have to redirect our thought patterns in believing that; it really is as easy as asking for your pudding. Or, maybe a mathematical equation.

The simple explanation is that: most people will not be willing to ask, and would rather be told than to think or ask for themselves.

Monday, September 8, 2008


This story is an example of what is happening here in America, and ... it is a perfect example of how: it is affecting the legal United States citizen and why YOU should be extremely pissed off about it!

Francis Hernandez is (reportedly & likely) an illegal immigrant from Guatemala who has a lengthy criminal record here in the United States, since 1991 beginning with assault charges, and now most recently within the last week ... is being charged with assaulting and killing three innocent people ... here in the City of Aurora, Colorado with his vehicle. One of the victims was a small boy who sat innocently enough in an ice cream shop when Hernandez's vehicle caused another vehicle to careen into the shop, after killing the two women, after he so callously drove through a red light.

What makes this so sad, and makes me very angry is that Francis Hernandez was previously released, time and time again over other criminal escapades, when authorities knew that he was an illegal immigrant, and a repeat offender, but the courts, judges and attorneys claim: "We have no jurisdiction over illegal immigrants within the city."

How do I know this? Because I have dealt with it first hand, and through the case of David Gonzales not more than two weeks ago, when I stood before Presiding Judge Richard J. Weinberg (whom I've dealt with before) contesting David Gonzales' immigration status and the lack of appropriate punishment being handed down by the court in that case, "I'm sorry Mr. Ramsey, but we do not have jurisdiction over Mr. Gonzales status as a citizen. We are done here!"

I had been the victim of a vehicular assault from David Gonzales's volatile personality, when I had the displeasure of encountering him at a local Home Depot in late May 2008, when David Gonzales became enraged over a parking space, and within seven minutes of crossing paths, I have had to endure more than two thousand dollars of property damage and lost time. I am blessed that I have not had to lose a member of my family, or my LIFE, but it only proves that; this is a MAJOR problem, since it has happened in Aurora on numerous occasions, and there have been other losses of LIFE at the hands of Illegal Immigrants. If this has happened repeatedly in Aurora, I know from reading the headline news ... that it is pervasive and rampant across America.

Now, with Francis Hernandez's long rap sheet ... how much money, aggravation and grief has he caused for the legal citizens of the United States? Much less the anguished grief of three families in the last week, how long will those families have to live with the face of Francis Hernandez glaring back at them from a court room, or in the corner recesses of their minds and the memories of their loved ones? The answer is FOREVER!

Now that the authorities have finally decided to call in (ICE) the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency who have been sitting on their dead asses while this problem is increasingly growing beyond their control ... America will eventually have to take care of his dumb ass, by feeding him and giving him a place to live after he is convicted.

Of course, the reason (ICE) was finally called, is that they (the authorities - City Prosecutors) want to make sure they hold him this time, if he is released. You see, he could post bond, and effectively make his way back across the border. Don't think it hasn't happened before ... because it has, and will likely happen again.

Here's what I believe: Americans come first, and should not have to be subjected to second class human beings who have no rights in the United States. If the municipalities have illegals living and working in their City, and taking advantage of free health care, free education, free housing and all at the expense of legal United States Citizens ... they should be working in servitude to the ruling class ... and at a much reduced wage.

How can any illegal immigrant obtain any of those amenities, much less a driver's license and paperwork to buy any vehicle without the appropriate and legal paperwork? If there are papers being forged, it only contributes to downfall of an economy, where fraudulent Social Security cards are being accepted by people willing to overlook those within our midst, who are taking your rights and trampling ... all over them, believing they deserve to be here.

There should not be any governmental agencies, local, State or federal institutions that are subsidizing programs for non-residents of the United States ... in providing any housing, education, health care, jobs or any programs ... because, it only is feeding the infestation of an undesirable lot of human beings.

Being angry over criminal activity is warranted, but being angrier and incensed over criminal activity of illegals in this Country against its citizens amounts to terrorism from within ... and is MOST DEFINITELY WARRANTED. Can we continually turn a blind eye when our local city and State governments ... not to mention our Federal Government ... are not policing the vast amount of Federal funding to illegals in this Country? Just look at HUD. Who is receiving more of the benefit these days? It is not the legal United States Citizen like you or me?

Something needs to be done ... right now! And that something is immediate and sweeping legislation to ferret out the illegal immigrants who are here, and who are abusing our system. Give the free housing and health care to the American needy, but with restrictions ... so as not to create a populace willing to do nothing to further their lives for their independence and freedom.

Lets support the American education of its citizens, in helping them to help themselves and their families. But, lets get rid of the Billions of dollars supporting the illegals ... and then we can afford to hire them through another work force, without supporting them, and in turn using that surplus to educate and support American's basic functions for a quality LIFE.

If we want a migrant work force ... put them on an immigration work force ... by having them register at the border, by being printed and photographed, and putting them on a six months on, and six months off work routine ... paying their salaries at 60/40 in pesos. Send them home after they've done the job, and come back later. And if anyone is caught in criminal activity, while in the United States under their visas ... suffer the consequences, and make amends, but wait before all of the English speaking people in the court system have gone before you. And if you are convicted ... you should be shipped back to Mexico or wherever ... never to return under penalty of death.

America is Great and we should consider being the leaders of the free world, but lets not let the rest of the WORLD think they can just run over us, especially when they're living here, and getting everything that my kids and family or your kids and family are not getting ... and then spitting in our face, or carving 'Fuck You' on the side of your truck, because of a parking space.

If you believe this is prejudiced thinking, try believing in a WORLD of Cultural Independence of Americans who are legal citizens like Native Americans, Black Americans, White Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, Muslim Americans, Jewish Americans, or any other LEGAL Americans ... get my point? We are a melting pot, but lets not continue with a convolution of the base with unwanted ingredients.

I am one who is FED up with the way this World is turning out, and have wanted to make a difference, not only in my job ... if I could get one, but with my idea of living LIFE to its fullest. With the amount of resources I see being wasted by the fat cats in the circles of power, not only in America, but the WORLD ... I'm sure WE can do better, and we have to start somewhere ... again.

If we do not take care of 'OUR HOUSE' first we are DOOMED to failure and being overrun by the increasing threat of terrorism from outside and from within. Simple.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I will make this very short and sweet, and as easy to comprehend, since I too am still learning to grasp its meaning myself.
In this world: as small as it is ... in the Grand Scheme of the Universe, there are only so many people on the planet. In fact, in numbers totaling approximately 6.5 Billion people, there are only about 300 Million legal United States Citizens.

Now, if you do simple math ... 333 Million is one third (1/3) of a Billion dollars, and yet the World is being sustained primarily on the American economy and its Federal Reserve notes, which by the way is owned by private bankers, and NOT by the United States Federal Government.

If the United States is spending Billions of dollars on aid to foreign governments to help rid the world of terrorism, strife, famine and the injustices of the world, exactly where is the funding coming from?

This money being 'Put on the Books' is going to come due one day, and the bankers are going to want to collect on the collateral. What is the collateral? The collateral is the promise of the American people ... you and me. What do we have as collateral, besides our soul? America, Americans and its land. Those American dollars are being used against you ... by foreign countries and foreign Corporate businesses, in buying up, your Country (This Country), its property and the people of this GREAT country.

The Federal Reserve is increasingly putting the American public at risk, by continually digging a larger hole to increase the quality of living standards for the rest of the World, while lowering 'Our' standards ... and we're letting them get away with it, because we don't know any better. It has been a growing propaganda nightmare ... for the sake of peace and security not just in the past few years ... but for decades. And for decades, Americans are being slowly fenced in: like wild hogs ... who don't realize the fence is being built around them.

If a dollar amounts to 100 pennies, and every legal American was entitled to their one third sustenance of the money that is being printed ... we could easily afford to be generous to a 'Lazy' World with their hand out. In keeping with 'handing it out' --- I would rather 'hand it out' to our people first ... then we can help our neighbors.
Protect our borders first, re-industrialize our country first, farm our lands first, energize our country first, fish our waters first!

Let the rest of the world worry about protecting themselves, let them worry about their energy, let them fish their waters, let them farm their lands, let them grow their food, fish their waters and grow their food.

If we want to be 'Our Brother's Keepers' we should wholly consider legislation that ensures the security and peace of 'Ourselves' as Americans first and foremost. And, if any dollars are spent, the United States Government should give one third of every dollar sent to other countries ... to every legal American first.

There should NOT be any foreign ownerships of any land within the United States or territories by ANY UN-naturalized, non resident citizen of the United States. It should, in fact be illegal for any foreign businesses or individuals to own or possess any lands or territories of the United States of America ... period! Unless, they are a natural born citizens of the United States of America.

America should consider its people ... the rightful owners of the sovereign lands fought for over the last two hundred years ... first, because we are going to have to fight for it again ... if we don't stand up for it again ... now!

Americans shouldn't be paying any taxes on any monies being printed so callously and frittered away on an uncaring and hateful world. For now, every American should 'not want for nothing' ... if we as Americans are having to sustain the world with 'OUR' money. Every legal American should be lifted to an elevated state first ... given the state of the American dollars being used to support the extravagance of foreign dignitaries and their policies.
No American should be homeless, without health care or made to worry in this world filled with the hate for 'Our' people. If we comprise less than 6% of the world's population and we're supposed to be the leaders of the Free World, then 'Our' fraction of idiots leading 'Our' government, better come together quick and shore up the foundation of this Great Country! The United States of America!

And by shoring it up ... I mean ... protecting you and me, by making sure we don't crumble, because we're the one's holding up the ladder. It's as simple as that! Without a strong infrastructure, and a combined house ... there will be, "The Loss of the American Dream!"