Friday, September 26, 2008


I do not think it really is that hard in fleshing out!

Americans are taking it in the shorts, because of this need in disguising "America's Failing Economy," as helping 'Ourselves' when we are really 'Bailing out the Rest of the World!'

The bottom line is simply this: This country is still indebted through HISTORY, greatly to King George and the rest of the World ... who are really a greater part of the 'Ruling Class' and 'Elitist' with 'Their Hands' tucked way down deep into our Economy's pockets, and 'They' are helping 'Themselves.'

And, 'They' (Themselves) ... are some of 'US' by having a vested interest in 'Feeding their masters' or ... they are not going to: live the way they have grown accustomed to, because they consider 'Us' to be their 'Slaves' and 'They' by any means ... are not 'Good Masters!'

Americans really do need to 'Help Ourselves' and not the 'Ruling Class' - and I, for one opinion: do not care if they are Republicans, Democrats or Independent or members of the Libertarian parities, black, white, brown, yellow, red or any shades of gray. I only care, that we keep what we have, and fight to keep America safe from being overrun by 'Outsiders' while losing it from the 'Inside' by giving it away, by the 'Traitors' in our midst!

In the grand scheme of things on the Political front, it boils down to America's Home Front ... and each one of 'Us' are going to have to understand, that it hurts our credibility, when we as LEGAL American citizens, fail to keep our selves educated enough to know that: 'It's all an illusion ... meant to keep the mainstream under subjection' especially, when we don't look at it from a mathematical equation ... coupled with some good ol' fashioned common sense.

What most people, and not just in America ... NEVER do --- is USE THEIR BRAINS! It is not true of everyone, but for most ... they do not, because they accept it through tolerance, and with tolerance comes acceptance, without much more thought ... believing ... nothing can be done.

If the information that I have is correct, from what I know as a high school graduate with a doctorate from 'The University of LIFE ... does know: That in America, there are only approximately 300 hundred million LEGAL citizens, and knowing a little about math; 100 pennies equal a Federal Reserve Note, and One Hundred of those makes another hundred thousand, and eventually, it all adds up to a billion of those 'Pieces of paper' and multiplying it times another number --- and then --- divided by the bottom line ... is where you find yourself.

And with that, I can open my eyes, and see that "I AM NOT GETTING MY FAIR SHARE! And IF I am NOT getting MY Fair Share ... YOU ARE NOT GETTING YOURS!"

I can look around at the knuckleheads, who are making those decisions, not only on Wall Street, but Main Street USA, and I can see, 'they' are driving extremely nicer vehicles, living in lavish houses, wearing nifty threads and living the 'LIFE of Riley,' while they are spending my 'Inheritance' fought for by yours and my ancestors in my GOD given right to a piece of this Country's foundational citizenry. I FEEL ENTITLED to receive it, before any other Foreign persons, in or out of this Country ... can get their hands on it.

With that in mind: If the Economy is back by those Federal Reserve Notes (Which most people don't know what they are); then the math does not add up.

Americans ... as a Country, equal less than approximately 6% of the world's population, and we ARE SITTING ON THE PRIME REAL ESTATE ... on this planet, that is being transferred out from UNDER OUR FEET. There is too much Corporate Greed in the upper ruling class, and elitist, who don't care, because they already have theirs!

This DEBT that we as Americans keep incurring, fighting to save the rest of the World is only being created through 'Paper' at the expense of the American public, when the rest of the world, is using that money to buy 'Our Country with money that is becoming more worthless' as 'they' try and balance the books ... using 'Our' collateral, which is: you and I, and the Land that we Live on, in a Country that has a long history of ownership, (through hundreds of years) much less the centuries old struggles for land ... around the rest of the world ... just to keep you enslaved to their authority.

I don't want any part of it! If The 'Federal Reserve' can print the money for any 'Bail Out' to the tune of Billions of dollars ... then I say "GIVE ME MINE FIRST!" I can still clear enough money, while still paying taxes on that money back to 'MY GOVERNMENT ... to make a real difference in MY LIFE ... not mention my wife, children and the rest of my family.

If I were to receive enough money to pay off my mortgage, secure my health, food, educational, transportation, entertainment and any other needs in a 'Bail Out' ... then lets take care of Americans first ... since it would solve our immediate needs ... first. I then will OWN something that will be forever and a day ... MINE, until I choose to do otherwise, BUT "Let me MAKE THAT DECISION for myself!" Then lets get back to fishing, farming and re industrializing America and educating our children in farming the new technology for the future.

It will enable our following generations to work from a studier foundation in HOLDING ONTO OUR COUNTRY as opposed to FIGHTING FOR IT ... AGAIN!

Most Americans are letting the 'Elitist' sell them on the 'Slavery Box' because they don't understand; they do not have to accept everything being told to them, or even accepting everything, that is being sold to them ... including the imported and tainted goods at the expense of the 'Human Rights' of the rest of the world ... when this is all coming from financiers profiting greater and often times ... outlandishly and ridiculously ... sums and amounts that would reach all the way to Zeta Reticulai (sp).

You should come to the reality ... the money being printed to 'Bail Out' the major corporations, can 'Bail You Out FIRST!' If it's money in the billions, then most Americans have never seen a windfall like a 'Half a Million Dollars' to 'Bail them out.'

Sure ... not everyone is going to do the right thing with 'their' money, but I can tell you this: If I don't have to worry about my housing, health concerns, transportation, food, education or my family's needs, because WE HAVE ENOUGH to take care of Americans first ... that is the kind of 'Bail Out' that I need ... and then lets start taking back 'Our' Country from foreign investors and traitors, who want to give it away to EVERYONE ELSE!

Lets pass AMERICAN laws favorable to AMERICANS first. I care about our world, but the pain hurts here ... and I am not sure that I can justify helping others when there is so much suffering with 'No trickle Down' from the morally unconscionable Greed mongers who want to keep it all for themselves ... and fooling a public into believing ... "We're making the best decision for you"
No thanks ... I just may have become a Libertarian.

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