I told a young twenty year old woman, not more than twenty-fours ago, "If I had someone who would have taken the time, and had the patience to educate me ... about what was happening in the 'Real World,' then I may have been one of these people who are running the world."
Perhaps I was put on the path ... long ago, and just have not realized it as yet. I know it hasn't been the short path to any GLORY or of freedom, but may be the longer road of righteousness ... which may ultimately lead to a truer freedom or of GLORY. But I will say, "I am no preacher ... because I have too many issues in trying to pray for the souls of humanity, when I am still praying for my own."
I say it because of a Centristic value and a fear of duplicitous thinking! Honestly, it makes me sick to see what is going on ... not only around me, but in the World, and not being able to do anything about it ... at least from this vantage point.
It may sound like 'Kooky' thinking, but it really does boil down to the 'The forces of Good and Evil' and, while I may have been at a negative from the start - {not being a part of the genetic blood lines or 'Ruling Class,'} I would hope and pray in being a positive influence on the change for a better World. If anything, in the truth being told ... I am sick of being treated like a second class citizen, when I already have availed myself to a greater desire in becoming aware of the 'Real World' that surrounds me.
To see the lies and deciet being perpetrated ... here in America ... is devastatingly hard on someone like myself with no resources to fight the good fight. The problem is ... and will likely be ... economic slavery ... unless, I can dig myself out of this hole, while showing others ... that we do have an alternative.
I would like to be as involved at that level (Global) ... in having those who trust and believe in my sincerity ... at least in asking the important questions aimed at spreading the truth. Lets ask people like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama about their hidden agendas. And not only those people but any and everyone, who openly lie ... and hide behind the language of the law ... and the ignorance of those who choose not to question the very existence of what is put before them ... at any level.
We all have skeletons in the closet, and I am no different ... but, had I been made aware when I was growing up ... I would be able to tout a more 'puritanical self' and would not have to worry of defending my character because of the uneducated decisions that I made while growing up, because I was not knowledgeable. If I were being groomed for a position of leadership, instead of trying to do it years later and after the fact ... I most likely would not be having to fight the fights that I am struggling against now.
You see, I have for the past twenty plus years, being given lessons in the justice system, while standing up for my 'So Called Rights' that I feel have been violated ... because it does go so much ... against my internal feelings.
I have a moral sense of duty and plenty of regret, and have been getting that education that has been slowly uncovering more of the 'Truth' in the 'Common Law' sense of the world.
One of these days in the future, I may get the chance to publish my first writings called, 'The Common Sense of an Uncommon Man, or the Uncommon Sense of a Common Man."
Even as my first novel was published, a few years ago ... I have learned much and have been in more courtroom arguments than any novice ... while I remain uneducated to the World, but can see past them. Eventually there will come a time, when there will be those who are allied with my desire to be the Master of a greater truth in our World.
This I do know ... "the ignorance of any and every thing makes us a slave to others, who will use the language and interpretations against those ... who choose to let others rule."
"I see the World, and Live in it ... there is nowhere it Hide ... I should say something when the time comes, but who will listen, and those who do ... only want to make it theirs."
"I am not the smartest man ... but neither am I the stupidest ... certainly not the richest ... and not even the poorest ... a healthier man there may be, and a sicker one I'm sure ... but I try not to wait for my LIFE to unfold, but to make a concerted effort to let it be known ... I AM!"
"Let me LIVE ... Let me be Free ... Give me the Right that is mine ... Do not take from me the very thing that GOD gave me, because Man issued me a 'Birth Certificate' believing that I was 'His' instead of GOD's!"
Hi Mason, I miss hearing you on the air in the northern Calif area.
After reading over your papers related to your court travail, I'm wondering if you are ready to take the next step in separating the wheat from the chaff? If so, a clear understanding of the nature of the US government and their court system is vital to gain the autonomy you evidently seek.
Please go to hisholychurch.net and download the free book Covenant of the Gods, (and some of the other articles posted for further edification and preparation) for your journey.
Peace unto you and your house,
Thanks David, I will. I know that the road is a bumpy one, and I will need all of the help and truth in understanding that I can lay my hands upon. Than you again for your kind thoughts.
Mason Ramsey
David - it's been a few years ... and I have already gotten more of a lesson than I really have ever thought of receiving. The TRUTH is definitely out there ... and while I've taken the red pill ... I can never go back. I've seen the LIES WHILE DODGING THE TRUTH.
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