Sunday, September 7, 2008


I will make this very short and sweet, and as easy to comprehend, since I too am still learning to grasp its meaning myself.
In this world: as small as it is ... in the Grand Scheme of the Universe, there are only so many people on the planet. In fact, in numbers totaling approximately 6.5 Billion people, there are only about 300 Million legal United States Citizens.

Now, if you do simple math ... 333 Million is one third (1/3) of a Billion dollars, and yet the World is being sustained primarily on the American economy and its Federal Reserve notes, which by the way is owned by private bankers, and NOT by the United States Federal Government.

If the United States is spending Billions of dollars on aid to foreign governments to help rid the world of terrorism, strife, famine and the injustices of the world, exactly where is the funding coming from?

This money being 'Put on the Books' is going to come due one day, and the bankers are going to want to collect on the collateral. What is the collateral? The collateral is the promise of the American people ... you and me. What do we have as collateral, besides our soul? America, Americans and its land. Those American dollars are being used against you ... by foreign countries and foreign Corporate businesses, in buying up, your Country (This Country), its property and the people of this GREAT country.

The Federal Reserve is increasingly putting the American public at risk, by continually digging a larger hole to increase the quality of living standards for the rest of the World, while lowering 'Our' standards ... and we're letting them get away with it, because we don't know any better. It has been a growing propaganda nightmare ... for the sake of peace and security not just in the past few years ... but for decades. And for decades, Americans are being slowly fenced in: like wild hogs ... who don't realize the fence is being built around them.

If a dollar amounts to 100 pennies, and every legal American was entitled to their one third sustenance of the money that is being printed ... we could easily afford to be generous to a 'Lazy' World with their hand out. In keeping with 'handing it out' --- I would rather 'hand it out' to our people first ... then we can help our neighbors.
Protect our borders first, re-industrialize our country first, farm our lands first, energize our country first, fish our waters first!

Let the rest of the world worry about protecting themselves, let them worry about their energy, let them fish their waters, let them farm their lands, let them grow their food, fish their waters and grow their food.

If we want to be 'Our Brother's Keepers' we should wholly consider legislation that ensures the security and peace of 'Ourselves' as Americans first and foremost. And, if any dollars are spent, the United States Government should give one third of every dollar sent to other countries ... to every legal American first.

There should NOT be any foreign ownerships of any land within the United States or territories by ANY UN-naturalized, non resident citizen of the United States. It should, in fact be illegal for any foreign businesses or individuals to own or possess any lands or territories of the United States of America ... period! Unless, they are a natural born citizens of the United States of America.

America should consider its people ... the rightful owners of the sovereign lands fought for over the last two hundred years ... first, because we are going to have to fight for it again ... if we don't stand up for it again ... now!

Americans shouldn't be paying any taxes on any monies being printed so callously and frittered away on an uncaring and hateful world. For now, every American should 'not want for nothing' ... if we as Americans are having to sustain the world with 'OUR' money. Every legal American should be lifted to an elevated state first ... given the state of the American dollars being used to support the extravagance of foreign dignitaries and their policies.
No American should be homeless, without health care or made to worry in this world filled with the hate for 'Our' people. If we comprise less than 6% of the world's population and we're supposed to be the leaders of the Free World, then 'Our' fraction of idiots leading 'Our' government, better come together quick and shore up the foundation of this Great Country! The United States of America!

And by shoring it up ... I mean ... protecting you and me, by making sure we don't crumble, because we're the one's holding up the ladder. It's as simple as that! Without a strong infrastructure, and a combined house ... there will be, "The Loss of the American Dream!"


dotty said...

Interesting Blog, but not quite accurate----probably 8 of 10 "legal AMericans" wouldn't know how to sensibly manage one third of a dollar. Many "homeless" prefer it that way---why spend their Government/Disability/Welfare checks on food, shelter, and health care when all they need to do is put their "hand Out" and will recieve subsidized housing, food stamps, and medicaid? "Legal" Americans include babies of foreign countries born here in America, and therefore entitled to all the benefits you describe. We have allowed ourselves to be "Penned up like hogs" by self-serving lawyers, protest groups, minority voices, on & on it goes. We sent our business to foreign countries because they do it less expensively; and aren't whining about union benefits, workman's compensation; unemployment-on & on. If we aren't buying our produce from foreign countries--we are paying illegal migrant workers to pick it here---and giving them benefits that should go to Americans--if only we weren't too lazy to do it!!! ENOUGH! give me my one-third of the dollars, and i will remain speechless!!!

Mason Ramsey said...

Dotty, I've said it too ... that if I were to receive my 1/3 of all the money being spent and printed, and sent to others ... I could manage just fine. As far as those people who don't know how to manage, they just don't have a clue as to what's going on in the 'Real World.' I see exagerated and bloated fat cats living at the expense of those people who are ignorant and they seem to want to involve me ... believing I am 'One of them' and that I don't know how to manage my own money better than those people, when there is ... really 'NO MONEY.' I already know that I have better ideas, and plans than just sitting around on my thumbs ... waiting for a hand out. I have always been willing to make 'My' way in the world, but when there is someone like myself, who is a bit more opinionated ... and who understands the World a little better ... I would rather be 'My Own Master' instead of electing one that may give me the illusion that I need someone to tell me what to do. If the POWERS to BE want to GIVE me the OPPOORTUNITY to EXIST without FLAPPING MY LIPS ... I may remain speechless! But, for now, I've been working to rise above those people who don't want to give me anything, because I refuse to work for nothing ... because I can't afford to work for nothing. I don't believe I am lazy, I just believe that the IVY leaguers want to control the masses ... and I don't want to be controlled by them. Now, I wouldn't mind working with them to control the others ... but, they're going to have to give me some of those 'Illusionary' Dollars to put some of those people to work. I know there are plenty of people like myself out there who are willing to work, but not many people are like me, and ready to 'Stand Up' for their convictions. So, does that make my morality ... susceptable in falling to the winners? I just know there is a solution, and I can be a part of it. I need good people to work in this business, and who can help us turn it into a profitable venture for all of those willing to work in making it happen. While America is sustaining the world, we NEED to sustain OUR People first, and then pay the migrant workers to pick our lettuce, since I don't have time to grow it or pick it myself ... and if I have the money .. I don't mind paying them. But, Judi has been growing 'Our' sqaush and cucumbers and tomoatoes ... and guess who helps? Well, I do help ... eat it! And those foreign countries who are doing the Job cheaper ... it's because they're treating their 'HOGS' very badly ... and have no compassion for them. So when it comes to Human Rights, we'd better clean up our 'Own' backyard first ... because that's where charity and compassion begin.

Mrs. Political said...

While America is sustaining the world, we NEED to sustain OUR People first, and then pay the migrant workers to pick our lettuce, since I don't have time to grow it or pick it myself ... and if I have the money .. I don't mind paying them. But, Judi has been growing 'Our' sqaush and cucumbers and tomoatoes ... and guess who helps? Well, I do help ... eat it! This completely makes you sound completely shallow. For a moment.. i thought you had something going for you.. but your lack of regard for others is very appalling. I believe that we need a change in this world.. but honestly.. i believe that you are still a product of what is wrong with todays society. Love is the key to is not. It seems like all you concern yourself is with lining your own pockets. Thats the american dream is it not.. to be the best.. and seeking fortune and fame? Thats what you try and do.. you spin a good story.. but you are no different from the political crazy a$$ liars that run our country. Have love and compassion for people. Spread the word of love.. not money money money.. i know that not any person should control another human being.. so i totally agree with that.. but you want apart of the illusionary money..

"I just believe that the IVY leaguers want to control the masses ... and I don't want to be controlled by them. Now, I wouldn't mind working with them to control the others ... but, they're going to have to give me some of those 'Illusionary' Dollars to put some of those people to work." SHALLOW SHALLOW SHALLOW.. you are no different from any other political. you are so blind.. i revert back to love.. you dont want to be controlled.. but you have no problem controlling other people..because they werent born here.. how crazy is that.. seriously.. they have you actually speak this on the radio.. and people actually listen to this propaganda? what change do you want other than becoming rich yourself?

Mason Ramsey said...

Mrs. Political - I wanted to take some time in responding to you. I firmly believe that you miss the entire point of money being an illusion, but necessary element to keep the world moving. But, since you don't have the ability in understanding the article for what it stands for, much less the 'Tongue and Cheek' approach to the problem shows your own shallowness whomever you are. Judi is my wife, and enjoys gardening and I have on many occasions have done my part in helping her meet her goals. Aside from the fact that you do not know me, to judge me ... based on an article shows exactly how people like yourself can be ignorant in the nature of LIFE. However, you and I do agree ... we do believe that CHARITY BEGINS IN OUR OWN BACKYARD .. and the very reason I do not give to corporate charities ... but have on a local level given from my pocket, when it touches my heart. And yes, the RICH do want to control the masses and its obvious. With the amount of time that I've dealt with the judicial system ... there remains ... NO DOUBT.Most of the people in this world are incapable of governing themselves, and very much the reason the IVY LEAGUERS want to control you.