Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It remains impossible in this world, although as 'Illusionary' as it is ... to have a 'Physical' document recorded in 2005 at a specific time, date stamp and to contain a 'Specific Registration' number assigned to 'One Entity' ... DECISION ONE to be sent through the United States Mail in 2009 from an attorney law firm Aronowitz and Mecklenberg with the very same recording information aside from one extremely important caveat: It now contains the name of 'Another Entity'  CITIFINANCIAL ... but still containing the very same 'Specific Recording information of that same time, Date and Registration Stamp.' Keep in mind, that 'No Assignments,' Recorded Documentation' or 'Paperwork' filed within the Arapahoe County Clerk of Court Records, the SEC In this world, to give CITIFINANCIAL any 'Claim' to an interest in our property ... I believe is called 'Mail Fraud!'
My wife & I purchased our second home in November 2000 after being married for a year, after selling our first and putting all of our money into the new home, in which we began immediately remodeling. In 2005 in the ongoing effort we refinanced the home and continued the remodel and then almost simultaneously began putting money into the beginnings of a new business, America's Coast to Coast Entertainment Network, an extension of the first business in which I felt would be extremely lucrative for the future. That business occupied the entire bottom half our home. It was something that I must have been  instinctively doing ... as I believed that: I was following along with an expanded career, that would produce efforts not only as an author, but in the mainstream of a radio industry, that seemed to waining from the days of old. Especially with what I was experiencing with the Satellite company who were limiting me to two days a week, namely because 'My' presence on the 130 affiliate radio stations across the country destroyed the 'Business Model' in trying to keep approximately 1.4 million potential listeners in 'The Dark.' (They can program radio now, and give the 'Perception' that a radio personality is actually broadcasting from say; Monroeville, Alabama - even though 'They' were in Colorado) So, it seemed like it would be plausible, if I kept working toward the idea and concept ... given my experience and ideology that I began adhering to in 1983 in taking it several steps beyond 'Them!'  
The above reference to the business is just part of the story, that began from the moment I 'Breached' this world in 1956, but actually is also playing an important part of this 'New Understanding' that began really unfolding from the early 80's followed by becoming educationally aware of the real nature that suddenly exploded in 2008 after taking the much needed steps regarding the 'Understanding' of the world in how it is really working, and how most of us ... find it so hard to fathom, including myself. 
Although after several circumstances throughout those years, I began uncovering the 'Trail of Crumbs' that were common sense and obviously something that, and still keeps 'Sticking in my Mind!' I call it 'Seeing through the Crack in the Glass!' It's almost like hearing someone 'Crack out of Turn' which is a term used by people who are trying to pull the wool over your eyes ... called 'Grifters' or some of you may remember seeing the movie 'The Sting' with Paul Newman and Robert Redford. That is exactly what is happening not only in America, but has been happening for the entire world long before you and I were ever born into it!
So, here I come along and start receiving information that I begin researching, about 'PROMMISORY NOTES,' 'DEED'S of TRUST - the 'UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODES,
' 'DEBT,' 'ASSEST,' 'FIDUCIARIES' and other information on how money, legal tender, the laws and how an understanding of these things are supposed to work ... including; the stocks, bonds, trading and how these things are regulated through our country's banking system or commonly known (but not by many) as The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Well to make this long story shorter, aside from the Novel (Artwork Inset), in 2007 and 2008 I began a documented letter writing campaign were notarized and witnessed letters were sent certified / registered mail / return receipt to CITIFINANCIAL and the attorneys asking for proof of the debt ... and standing in which CITIFINANCIAL were claiming to own a DEED OF TRUST in the name of DECISION ONE. Ohhh, it gets better ... the long and short of it is simply this: people like you and I who are considered to be the 'Common Folk' are not entitled to be heard through the justice system that was so carefully put into place over two hundred forty years ago. How do I know? Because, all you have to do is read the language of the court system, listen to the Federal Magistrate Charles Schaffer of the Tenth Circuit as I did on February 16, 2011 when he said; "Mr. Ramsey, you are not a member of our bar." (Meaning 'Our Club') (Less than a month later ... I am pulled over ... and pulled from my vehicle at gun point)
I have done a lot of my homework, and can read with a greater ability of comprehension, according to the testing scores ... and it really does just 'Piss Me Off' when I can see that YOU and I are NOT entitled to the same justice. Which brings me to the current CONTEMPT of COURT (the second in less than four years) which I have been found guilty, and is currently under APPEAL ... all stemming from the 'Theft' of our home through an 'Illegal' foreclosure that has been the root of dismantling this country from within.
After reading the Colorado Law, and becoming more inclined to understand it ... the judges in the court system can simply ignore 'The Law' by writing opinions around 'The Law' and completely ignoring their Constitutional oaths, because they claim 'Their Hands' are tied by the procedure.
However it remains clear that: for an attorney, or banking institution to file a claim against anyone, they must first file an affidavit, or have standing in order to justify anything before the court. The courts have an obligation to You and I as 'The ASSETS' of this country - we are the Citizens, who are 'Backing the DEBT' because we are that DEBT. I have inherited a piece of the country from the time that I was born ... especially on a Federal Reservation.
So if CITIFINANCIAL forecloses on a property without having the documentation on October 13, 2009, finally sells the property on October 13, 2010 when another company ARCH BAY LLP / Specialized Loan Services records an assignment on May 5, 2010 with the Arapahoe County Clerk & Recorders Office effectively transferring the 'DEED OF TRUST' to them from DECISION ONE ... WHERE THE HELL IS CITIFINANCIAL in this shell game ... and how can they FILE Contempt charges against me in January 2011 through a LOWER court for standing in their way of possessing 'THEIR' property?
Yes, I have been to the F.B.I., (3x's) the Colorado Attorney General's Office, (3x's) The Governor, The Senators, the State Representatives, the State Court Administrator --- and who do you think listens? Even as I have filed documented complaints ... they remain unanswered as this State and this Country conveniently 'Pushes YOU and I Aside' for their 'Own Self Interest --- DAMN the LAW!' And, I've filed IRS Fraud complaints ... to no avail!
After filing the lawsuits, and having them shoved up my ass by the 'Technicalities' and 'Procedures' I thought ... okay, I will hire an attorney, Gary Fielder  (The Gig is Up - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24c1ysDwPE0 ) who approached me ... saying: "All of these crooked sons of bitches should be in jail!  I am not so sure at this stage in the game ... if this man is on my side ... or one of 'Them' with his lack of understanding, even as he kept saying ... "I'm onto them ... and I want to see them in orange jumpsuits!"  I actually have him on tape saying, "Boy you have a really good case" among other tidbits of 'Froth' that seems to come from the mouths of these attorneys.
Let me just say this ... Mr. Fielder approached me through the representation of another client, who had heard of me, and who happened to be going through the same problems ... but was being represented by another attorney while Mr. Fielder was representing him in the 'Tenth Circuit' Federal Court along these same issues. Meanwhile ... and after; I had already filed for a DEFAULT in the State court against CITIFINANCIAL who failed to answer the lawsuit that I had prepared, filed and properly served on them ... only was conveniently dismissed, without CITIFINANCIAL having to answer the accusations. How can something like that even happen? Even when you have a judge/s who should be upholding his/ their oaths of office ... aside from an attorney who is lazy to follow through ... or lets the time go by long enough, allowing the opposition to file a Motion to Dismiss?

Mr. Fielder was hired to 'CURE the DEFAULT' and to "Straighten this whole Mess" out and then suddenly along comes ARCH BAY at the same time filing a case against us for having 'Spurious Liens' on the property in 2010 while CITIFINANCIAL and their attorneys Aronowitz and Mecklenberg  are now trying to 'Worm' themselves out of a PAPER TRAIL NIGHTMARE ... after filing the CONTEMPT of COURT charge in the name of CITIFINANCIAL that is so obviously bogus, that ... even an attorney can see it! But then again ... can he? Or will he? It is one of the reasons that I POSTED a cash BOND and spent thousands on transcripts ... knowing that the attorneys cannot 'Waive Off' the Time Line, or the fact that; they have filed no affidavits, or were the 'Real Party in Interest' and the Judge failed to rule on a Motion to Dismiss before my contempt trial (I defended) ... that clearly nullifies 'Thier case' - but again ... ignored!

Can I really be so ignorant of how this world works, or even the law?  No, I don't think so ... when it seems so impossible ... but not so ... IF you only follow the TIMELINE ... and read the language, you will know ... YOU and I are getting the very short end of this economic stick ... only it's the short end you can see sticking out of your ass, because the rest of it ... is buried deep!

Even as my wife Judi and I have been going through this, and we see the insurmountable fraud that is happening across this country ... we for some reason cannot get the attention of the media as liberal or corrupt as it may be, when it should be as simple to understand ... we have the right to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS! We should be afforded the Constitutional Liberties that we inherited ... and working to defend. 

In wrapping up this blog, because there really is so much more that can be said, but who would read it and care enough to help in doing something? I am hoping for the best, even as we continue working to 'Hang Onto' what we have left for the present and the future! Including our attempts at our business, that we had to scale back (the loss of phone/ microphone connections) when we lost our home.

I can only say this, and it's been said before; "FOR EVIL TO FLOURISH GOOD MEN ... ONLY NEED TO DO NOTHING!"

I am just as sinful in nature as the next man and woman, but at least I am doing something, and have been for a long time ... I am saying something ... I am doing something. I am hanging on! It has taken a toll. However I remain vigilant.

It may come to fruition in the end as do all things in GOD'S WILL! I can only say  that I have a long list of those people (Judges, Attorneys, Public & Private Officials) involved that: I really believe should be singled out as being treasonous to this country and should be held accountable. 

Someone told me not long ago, I believe it was Bruce Douglas; "Mason, it's not what they say or do ... it's what they don't say but what they do!" (I'm pretty sure that's the way he said it)

Mason Ramsey


faye said...

wow ,that was a really interesting blog. I HOPE THE FUTURE LOOKS BETTER AND I HOPE SOMEHOW U SEEK JUSTIS.... FROM FAYE

oinklesam said...

Mason, It's not what they say, it's what they do.
There is only one simple fix to this mess and I have seen no one come forward with it, yet.

Mason Ramsey said...

Thank you Faye ---

Mason Ramsey said...

BDouglas - You're absolutely correct --- but, there's coming a time, when the things that we do, will overshadow the things they've done ... and I hope that I'm one of the those responsible for bringing them down.