I have to admit that I am buying into the 'New Awakening' by following and guarding my 'Conciousness' greatly, into rewiring my thoughts, in the cause and effect of thought and the world around me, including the people I encounter.
Believing and thinking in a more positive and optimistic way, has developed into becoming a more independent conscious being that I truly believe is rekindling my kinetic fire.
As part of this greater level of consciousness, I am posting this 'Constructive Notice' so that others may see for themselves the 'Stark Difference' in an understanding that; There is a reality in the difference between 'Civil' and 'Criminal' - and a beginning for some, who can begin to see that difference. By following your instincts, instead of discarding them, it can make all the difference in the world. But, I know for me ... it is taking 'Time' and has been something that has been 'Putting me through the Fire' which only makes me more aware of the 'Change' and that 'Change' is what I have been experiencing, for reasons still unclear to me. But soon to be illuminated greatly by my continued and forward movement.
In the presence of mind, I have come to understand that we are living in a much different world than what we have been led to believe. I carry this 'Notice' to remind myself, that I am a Sovereign individual living in a world governed by psychopaths, and wish to 'steer clear of them' at all cost. It is a strong lesson, and of course, I am a mere child in this process ... although I have been reading, researching and coming to a greater understanding and therefore; becoming stronger in my beliefs of the 'True' and 'Spiritual Realm.'
'We' seem to be able to manifest in 'EPIGENTICS' - (being able to switch it on!) that greater understanding, but it takes time in rewiring 'Our Minds' after all of the propaganda that has been constantly 'Drip Fed' to us ... since the day we were born. We can change, even while holding to the 'Base Line' of our genetic lineage.
Our brain structures are constantly evolving, and remains a constant source of expansion in this realm. By following my 'Feelings' I reasoned that this 'Constructive Notice' is a greater part of this expansion, and one of the reasons that I've attached myself to this document. It makes a great deal of sense to me. By paying attention, it becomes almost something that you begin to see everywhere, and in some sense ... comes looking for you. Notice and start paying attention ... and it becomes more entertaining and healthier ... even as it seems, daunting!
Once you like the theory, you can spend time to prove it! It means that 'We' are the ones who become the 'New Masters' of 'Our World' even as the symbolism and current state of the World evolves around us. As Thomas Sheridan states: "We build the structure of our brain according to our thoughts. For every thought we have, there is a neurological and genetic cause and effect."
It can be mesmerizing! Our Creativity is the key in taking control!
I am changing the KINETIC Energy --- and realize that 'We' are the ONES changing our paths! I know that what I have been experiencing has very much been a 'Reality' that has been changing, because of this greater understanding ... especially after what I've been experiencing in the evil that surrounds us, but do feel ... that I am protected by a 'Greater Force of Knowledge' above me, and that 'Our' intuition never does let us down. I just have to be 'Keenly Aware' of the 'Something in the Background.' It is our spiritual underlying nature and we're here for a reason. The nervous system and our senses is our best reasons to believe.
Some part of me ('US') at some level is (are) seeing the future outcome, jumping into my consciousness, and having to step aside, to: stop and think consciously and rationally in the on going process, through synchronicity. Looking for the 'path,' 'Signs,' and how to deal with the situations.
All I can do is to keep posting a little piece at a time, as I journal the events ... processing the thoughts in how to solve the problem in understanding. And I have a lot to process. It is a learning experience, so that I might be able to deal with it ... in the future.
Perhaps we are evolving, into the conscious connection, and that you and I are meant to be on the same trail. There may be some kind of conscious connection. Take note. The common thread will pull 'Us' (them) together ... as the unspoken connections in the underlying meaning.
Thank you for taking the time ... in this space and time to read my thoughts. Perhaps we'll meet as part of the metamorphosis. You know who I am, and I know you're out there, but when, or will we connect in the same common goal?
p.s. As a testimony: I must profess my belief in GOD, Jesus Christ (Who I believe was sent to die for my (our) Sins, and the Holy Spirit. It's not unreasonable for me to believe in the spirituality and the presence of 'GOD' who sent a 'Man, Jesus' who paid the ultimate price on the cross to give human beings ... a chance in choosing a path to eternal LIFE and SALVATION. And, it's because of my instinctual belief in that feeling and the un-common sense of the world that I see around me, that makes me believe: there is no other alternative ... although there are those who will choose otherwise. It is that world that I see running amok, and why I must maintain that belief; There is no other than GOD, for GOD is the Universe and that is where we are currently.
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