Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I have to admit that I am buying into the 'New Awakening' by following and guarding my 'Conciousness' greatly, into rewiring my thoughts, in the cause and effect of thought and the world around me, including the people I encounter.
Believing and thinking in a more positive and optimistic way, has developed into becoming a more independent conscious being that I truly believe is rekindling my kinetic fire.
As part of this greater level of consciousness, I am posting this 'Constructive Notice' so that others may see for themselves the 'Stark Difference' in an understanding that; There is a reality in the difference between 'Civil' and 'Criminal' - and a beginning for some, who can begin to see that difference. By following your instincts, instead of discarding them, it can make all the difference in the world. But, I know for me ... it is taking 'Time' and has been something that has been 'Putting me through the Fire' which only makes me more aware of the 'Change' and that 'Change' is what I have been experiencing, for reasons still unclear to me. But soon to be illuminated greatly by my continued and forward movement.

In the presence of mind, I have come to understand that we are living in a much different world than what we have been led to believe. I carry this 'Notice' to remind myself, that I am a Sovereign individual living in a world governed by psychopaths, and wish to 'steer clear of them' at all cost. It is a strong lesson, and of course, I am a mere child in this process ... although I have been reading, researching and coming to a greater understanding and therefore; becoming stronger in my beliefs of the 'True' and 'Spiritual Realm.'  

 'We' seem to be able to manifest in 'EPIGENTICS' - (being able to switch it on!) that greater understanding, but it takes time in rewiring 'Our Minds' after all of the propaganda that has been constantly 'Drip Fed' to us ... since the day we were born. We can change, even while holding to the 'Base Line' of our genetic lineage.
 Our brain structures are constantly evolving, and remains a constant source of expansion in this realm. By following my 'Feelings' I reasoned that this 'Constructive Notice' is a greater part of this expansion, and one of the reasons that I've attached myself to this document. It makes a great deal of sense to me.  By paying attention, it becomes almost something that you begin to see everywhere, and  in some sense ... comes looking for you. Notice and start paying attention ... and it becomes more entertaining and healthier ... even as it seems, daunting!

Once you like the theory, you can spend time to prove it! It means that 'We' are the ones who become the 'New Masters' of 'Our World' even as the symbolism and current state of the World evolves around us. As Thomas Sheridan states: "We build the structure of our brain according to our thoughts. For every thought we have, there is a neurological and genetic cause and effect."
It can be mesmerizing! Our Creativity is the key in taking control!
I am changing the KINETIC Energy --- and realize that 'We' are the ONES changing our paths! I know that what I have been experiencing has very much been a 'Reality' that has been changing, because of this greater understanding ... especially after what I've been experiencing in the evil that surrounds us, but do feel ... that I am protected by a 'Greater Force of Knowledge' above me, and that 'Our' intuition never does let us down. I just have to be 'Keenly Aware' of the 'Something in the Background.'  It is our spiritual underlying nature and we're here for a reason. The nervous system and our senses is our best reasons to believe.
Some part of me ('US') at some level is (are) seeing the future outcome, jumping into my consciousness, and having to step aside, to: stop and think consciously and rationally in the on going process, through synchronicity. Looking for the 'path,' 'Signs,' and how to deal with the situations.
All I can do is to keep posting a little piece at a time, as I journal the events ... processing the thoughts in how to solve the problem in understanding. And I have a lot to process. It is a learning experience, so that I might be able to deal with it ... in the future.
Perhaps we are evolving, into the conscious connection, and that you and I are meant to be on the same trail. There may be some kind of conscious connection. Take note. The common thread will pull 'Us' (them) together ... as the unspoken connections in the underlying meaning.
Thank you for taking the time ... in this space and time to read my thoughts. Perhaps we'll meet as part of the metamorphosis. You know who I am, and I know you're out there, but when, or will we connect in the same common goal?
p.s. As a testimony: I must profess my belief in GOD, Jesus Christ (Who I believe was sent to die for my (our) Sins, and the Holy Spirit. It's not unreasonable for me to believe in the spirituality and the presence of 'GOD' who sent a 'Man, Jesus' who paid the ultimate price on the cross to give human beings ... a chance in choosing a path to eternal LIFE and SALVATION. And, it's because of my instinctual belief in that feeling and the un-common sense of the world that I see around me, that makes me believe: there is no other alternative ... although there are those who will choose otherwise. It is that world that I see running amok, and why I must maintain that belief; There is no other than GOD, for GOD is the Universe and that is where we are currently. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


If anyone has done as much as I have in bringing attention to the Mortgage Fraud being committed by attorneys and bankers, I can only applaud them! Just look at the amount of correspondence that has been sent, and is being 'ignored' by those who could do something!
 I know: this has been a LIFE changing experience for me and my wife, as we've been living and working in a system, that doesn't care for anyone, but themselves, and are using 'Their' knowledge and resources to protect themselves and 'Their' masters.
After all these years of living LIFE, only to find out that: This is NOT what I was taught and what I was supposed to believe. I have been given the impression, that 'We' lived in a society that was Governed 'By the People, for the People' and now realize ... this is NOT at all TRUE! We are living in a society that 'Our' countrymen have allowed a cancer to manifest itself in the BODY of a NATION that was founded upon the RIGHTEOUS EDICTS of  GOD.
Righteous rulers will know the Biblical purpose of government and civil law, which is to restrain the evil action of men in society (Romans 13:1-4; 1 - Peter 2:13-14), so that they will not try to make the law do what God never intended it to do. This is exactly what is happening: 'Man is poisoning the civility of law' by 'Side Stepping' any true meaning of law and destroying the Constitution of the United States in the process. It leaves people like myself in a position of 'Helplessness' but also teaching: to hold onto the FAITH that the Universe of GOD will see it through. I for one, believe I have been trying to 'Stand Up' into the 'Light' and not allow people like the Attorneys, Judges and others who are enemies of the people to get away with what they're doing.

We, unfortunately are allowing those people (Judges, Attorneys and Public Servants) who are supposed to uphold not only the Uniform Commercial Codes of the United States, but the Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights ... to 'Side Step' the intended purpose of our laws for their own personal agendas.
Just look at the incredible amount of correspondence that has been put forth, just so that we might receive some honest justice. I have done so much research in writing these letters, and following the 'Rules' as they were 'Laid Down' in a timely manner. I have been to the Federal Bureau of Investigation on three separate occasions, while also contacting my Congressmen, Senators and other Washington agencies in an attempt to at least give me a feeling that what I'm doing isn't unreasonable.
I know that what I read, and the interpretation of those things have given me the opinion that I have ... and it is with that opinion that suddenly becomes the abstract position. Only, while 'They' wish me to believe it abstract ... it is more of a truer representation of what is and has been happening in AMERICA and the WORLD.
However, because the policies of the system and administration is to 'Ignore' and to 'Seperate' the populace, you and I are left to 'Fend for Ourselves' unless, we luck out and find others who are also willing to 'Stand Up' for the People and Country that belongs to 'YOU' and 'I'!
It has not become anything but clearer as I have been involved in this fight, and getting 'Punched' in the head repeatedly, when I know that: I am right, and can only hold to the FAITH that what I am doing, will eventually make some difference in the 'Grand Scheme' of what I see happening ... right now! It is actually disheartening to know that: I cannot be the only one, and if I've done what I've done in attempting to 'Quell' the evil, and have been already convicted of 'Contempt of Court,' for 'Standing up for Our Property Rights,' that there must be hundreds and thousands of people who have done nothing, and one reason why 'They' (the System) has gotten away with 'Hijacking' our system of Truth, Justice and the American Way. 
It has been extremely stressful and very much a learning experience. This is something I would not wish upon anyone, unless they want to really know the TRUTH. I am thinking that's where I made the decision, and have to understand ... this is what comes from knowing, and why people don't want to get involved.
All I can tell you is that, I've done the numbers and the research and can see: We live in AMERICA with a population of approximately 318 million in a world of more than 6 billion, and a lot of people are wanting what is already supposed to be 'Ours' through our inherited birthrights. We live in/on the GREATEST piece of real estate on this planet.
We as AMERICANS are supposed to have a remedy in discharging 'Our Debt' since 'YOU' and 'I' are the assets of this country. Yet, we are fighting an infestation of 'Evil' who want to keep not only AMERICA under subjugation, but the WORLD. The sad part is that, most of the 'People' in the system believe 'They' are doing the right thing, when 'They' are doing the opposite.
I can only hope that I am not one of those people, and that everything I have done can be equated with honesty in pursuing a rightful course of action.
I as only one have nothing to hide, and do care for those who are being unfairly oppressed not only around the WORLD, but here in AMERICA first, because ... that's where it all began for me. Therefore it makes so much sense that: it all falls at 'Your' feet and that 'Charity begins in your own Backyard!'
"It is a simple premise, except when 'Man' has another agenda, and cannot follow the edicts of GOD within themselves."
When 'You' as the perpetrator or the 'One' individual within the system who allows the complicity to harm others, and consciously know that you are 'Violating' the rights of another ... then it will be 'You' who will pay the price for 'Your' actions ... not me.
Do not use your authority or powers unwisely ... merely because 'You' believe yourself to be above others, much less GOD!
If you're a sociopath ... then I'm sure this doesn't register with 'You' as a caring individual, and could care less for the plight of others.

Friday, October 5, 2012


 There is nothing quite as frustrating as knowing that your self awareness, has crept into a 'Reality' that; Elements of 'Our' justice system can be 'Hijacked' to not only bring about its 'own' agenda for the 'Elite' but to maintain its direction at 'Cost' to the lower and middle class people of the United States.
When the American Judicial System becomes subservient to the 'Corporate Interest' or 'Any Interest' contrary to Supreme Court Law of the Land, and detrimental to the those Americans, that: it is meant to protect ... then you have a judicial system 'Warring' against the interest of those like you and I who represent, and are the 'People of the United States!'
It is now 'My' firm belief that, while 'We' as Americans have been educated into believing that we have one of the finest Judicial systems in the World, my wife and I have been experiencing something totally opposite to anything that makes sense anymore. 
While I am not an attorney, nor is the 68 year old certified paralegal Reubin Nieves, who has been assisting me in the last year on 'Refinning and Raising the Arguments' against a wrongful foreclosure in the state of Colorado ... there can be no doubt that what we read from the District Court, and 10th Circuit Federal Court in ALL of the motions, pleadings, answers and orders from the judicial system , that: It is so obviously written with 'Word Art' so as to 'Ignore' the 'LAW' that has been 'Put before them!' It is judicial Mis-Conduct.
Even when an officer of the court, including any judge, elected official, or hired 'Public Servant' are presented with the 'Overwhelming Evidence' of fraud and decit ... and through 'Certified, Return Receipt and Registered Mail' and they fail to do anything in upholding 'their' oaths of office ... to 'Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States' ... then they are: not only ... not doing their job, but in fact are: 'Warring' Against that Constitution!'
I don't know how to say it any simpler than that!
I am seeing it from an American's point of view, who was born in this country in 1956. And, while I did not understand my education at the time, I have been receiving over the years a very good lesson in the way 'It really is' ... but, I am also placing 'Myself' into a position of holding onto the understanding of the 'Way it is supposed to be!'
You and I as 'The People' have inherited this Land, and its Constitution and Bill of Rights, but they seem to be 'Disappearing' by one 'Impediment' or another and all at the 'Hands' of unethical men and women in positions of authority who are 'Destroying' that for which so many gave their lives in creating, building and protecting. I am amazed that I can see it happening, while I remain unsure that others (at least enough 'other Americans') can see what I am seeing, through the experience that I am living. It should not be happening.
The Court system is supposed to 'Follow' not only the rule but the 'Law' and the maxims of 'Law.'  A legal maxim is an established principle or proposition. 'Laws' that have been handed down over the course of our history. It's called 'Stare Decisis'
"This principle, known as 'stare decisis,' distinguishes the common law from civil-law systems, which give great weight to codes of laws and the opinions of scholars explaining them. Under stare decisis, once a court has answered a question, the same question in other cases must elicit the same response from the same court or lower courts in that jurisdiction."
Yet, when I have worked in standing up to protect my rights as an AMERICAN Citizen, I have been met with the use of that 'Word Art' in the judicial system that totally by passes the arguments placed before the state court and the Federal court. I know this as a fact, and it cannot be refuted. A person only has to read the 'Opinions of the Court' to see that, when an argument is raised and back by a Supreme Court Ruling that is 'Not Even Referred To' in the Court's decision ... clearly shows the goals and aim of the court system.
Take for example this case, where it all started before 2008 in which a 'DEED of TRUST' is filed in Arapahoe County in 2005 in the name of DECISION ONE and yet, a 'Copy' of the 'DEED of TRUST' with the name CITIFINANCIAL with the same 'Year,' 'Date,' 'Time' and 'Recception Number' in 2005 is sent through the United States Mail by a law firm claiming 'Their Client' 'Owns the DEED of TRUST' trying to 'Collect on a Debt' while there is no recorded record or assignment showing CITIFINANCIAL is indeed the 'Real Party in Interest' and does have the right to  'Collect on any Debt'  much less Foreclose on the property. (Inspect the documents for yourself - look in the upper left and lower right hand corners of the two documents, and tell me if that is, or is not a clear case of Fraud)
It remains impossible that, even as CITIFINANCIAL forecloses on the property with a 'Copy' and a 'Forged DEED of TRUST' ... that court officers cannot interceed on behalf of an AMERICAN Citizen, and 'Their' Constitutional 'Rights' ... merely because they are 'Hiding' behind the 'Color' and 'Rule of Law' as in this case ... Rule 38.38.101 (Rule 120) clearly defying a person/s 5th and 14th amendment right. It's 'Their' job to liberally construe the Law in favor of the AMERICAN --- they DIDN'T!
Common sense dictates that any judicial officer of the court, elected or hired public servant who after being 'notified' that the law is in direct contradiction of an AMERICAN'S Civil Liberites ... should be held accountable.   
And in so doing, that AMERICAN Citizen who is being foreclosed on without the legal paperwork, becomes another 'Victim' in the crimes against the AMERICAN People in not recieving 'Due Process.' 
Even as I continue receiving the news from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals with an 'Order' and a 'Mandate' I must keep 'Objecting' since 'Their Orders' and 'Mandates' are contrary to the most important documents in our Nation's History.
" ... the use of maxims be in deciding doubt and helping soundness of judgment, ... " Sir Francis Bacon.
"The principles and axioms of law, which are general propositions flowing from abstracted reason, and not accommodated to times or men, are wisely deposited in the breasts of the judges to be applied to such facts as come properly before them."
When the court, does not follow its own 'Rules' and 'Laws' then it has become something else, and not the judicial system that was placed into effect more than two hundred thirty years ago to serve and protect 'Your Rights' as a citizen, much less mine.
This is most definitely not what I was thought would happen, when I first began 'Challenging' CITIBANK for their less than above board ethics those years ago. But, I look forward to the day, when I can see the saga, become the 'Fairy Tale' ending, and unltimately becoming the 'Legend' because I am going to prevail ... even if only in the PUBLIC Court of Opinion. I don't care if the court decides something as a matter of procedure ... 'They' cannot Violate my rights ... I don't care how many 'Orders' or 'Mandates' they come up with --- it's NOT LEGAL, because the Constitution doesn't give them the authority ... in fact; takes it away from them. I'm going to keep 'Holding to that FAITH!'
I will be sharing more and more of the documents in which you can directly see for yourselves and know ... 'We have Rights' that are being 'Violated' and it's those 'Same Rights that were inherited by each and every one 'You' Americans! And, those 'Judges,' 'Attorneys,' 'Politicians,' 'Public Officials' and 'Private Individuals' who are 'Warring Against the Constitution,' will pay the price one day. Karma is a bitch, and as I intend to keep moving forward in an attempt to eventually receive some 'Justice' I only wish to see that Karmaic justice delivered to those who deserve it.
When you have a Right that has been afforded to you, and the judicial system is 'Knocking' you down in the 'Manipulation' of language rather than 'Law' ... a person has to 'Do Something' to set into motion ... the 'Change' that will keep our Country operating like it should, as the Founding Fathers ... meant for it to be! I remain determined that 'They' can not be allowed to keep getting away with it, while the country is being 'Lulled' into the same old 'Dog & Pony Show' from the left and right of the Democrats and the Republican Party. I am doing something and have been. Will you help?
And one final note: We were just sent an email this afternoon from DENNIS P. DERRICK who stated: "While the cotitutional issues may be important, there are too many impediments to the Court's getting to them."

There should be NO impediments to 'YOUR RIGHTS!' We need you to join us in making a stand. 'They' do not want the 'PEOPLE' to join together --- and therefore we must, because it remains 'Our Duty!' If only to SAVE our FUTURE for our children and our way of LIFE!

I can now say with integrity that: anytime, a person like my wife and I represent 'Ourselves' within the judicial system, it becomes more than an 'Eye Opener!' 
Mason Ramsey

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


While the legal fight for 'Our' civil rights against an oppressive banking institution (CITIBANK) continue in the 'So Called Justice System' of the United States, we still are still approaching LIFE as that: there may be still some hope from an equally large bureaucratic institution which, supposedly 'Regulates' the banking institution. 
I wanted to take time in at least 'posting' an update from a claim that was submitted with approximately a 2" stack of evidence back in March 2012 ... after The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (Your Money) sent out claims, where it states that "More than 220,000 people have asked for reviews" which really means: those who have made claims in the United States from the 'Improper Banking Methods' that have caused this mortgage crisis here in the United States.
It is those people who have been wrongfully foreclosed on by the banking institutions who are committing the crimes against the American People, for the sake of the 'Almighty Dollar' and their GREED!
So, while compiling the documents, which is 'Telling the Story' along a TIME LINE ... I can only believe that it will become the next compelling drama of LIES and DECEIT. The story seems to writing itself, and it won't be long before the story unfolds into the 'Public Mainstream!'
After paying more than a few thousand dollars in court transcripts, and the legal documents ... I think that we in the American Populace have to come to an understanding, that: the things that are happening to 'Us' as the American People through the manipulation of the Corporate, Banking and Judicial institutions ... clearly shows 'Collusion' on behalf of those 'Protecting a Corrupt Institution!'
I for one believe that: "This is not the Government, I've learned about in my education, but quickly learning ... it's 'Their' Government ... and they only want to have me believe ... that it is mine!
After what I've been experiencing from the research, pleadings and motions ... I do not believe it is 'My' Government anymore. I believe that it has been 'Hijacked' by rogue politicians, corrupt judicial officers and greedy businessmen, who want to 'Win' at any cost! And while I maintain a 'Hope' that there are elements of 'My' Government still left in there somewhere ... it's a matter of getting to them ... to 'Help' and 'Aid' in 'Someway' to bring about the 'Governent and Country' that I believe in so strongly!
I know that I am smarter than they give me credit, and know that 'My' Government will eventually 'Right Itself' in the beliefs of our founding fathers. After all, isn't GOD been prophesied to be the winner in the end? This NATION was FOUNDED upon those beliefs that I grew up learning.
What I have been fighting for began with the understanding that: as an American ... I am the asset of this country, and have inherited those benefits - and I want to know: 'Where is our Justice, and why did you take it away from us, when you had no authority?'
This should be a simple soulution through a 'Fair' justice system - or it should be with the country I thought I knew was mine.
By the way: We've been waiting for months, and began asking ourselves: 'Why is it taking so long to for The O.C.C., to review a file?' And then suddenly ... a letter shows up, saying it's going to take more time? And then we have asked ourselves: 'If the State of Colorado has entered into a settlement with the Government over the Irregularities of the Banking Institution's FRAUD upon the Country ... where is our piece of the settlement? Especially when we have filed complaints with the Attorney General John Suthers, The Governor of Colorado, the F.B.I., and each and everyone of those congressmen, senators and Representatives and every other public authority who has been involved?'
Whose hasn't said more than my wife and I in this matter; tearing at the very fabric of our economic system?  I know what the story is ... I'm living and writing it ... and, boy are they going to be embarrassed and hopefully I'll get to see some of them wearing orange jumpsuits!

Friday, September 28, 2012


If anything, you'll be able to see when the chronological 'Turn of Events' are fully published, that: there is indeed 'Corruption' and 'Manipulation' of the JUSTICE SYSTEM going on ... especially with this case.
I have been religiously documenting the communications with certified, notarized, registered mail with return receipts to show that, this is an Erin Brockovich story against CITIBANK and the conspiracy's of Judges and attorneys are clearly evident, when you read the arguments.
Although, it took these three judges months to make a decision, it took less than ten days for the En Banc Petition to be DENIED!
To me it is obvious that the people involved in 'Denying' mine and my wife's CIVIL RIGHTS of DUE PROCESS in the Mortgage and Securities FRAUD being committed by CITIBANK and their attorneys will eventually turn in 'Our' Favor.
Every person who have had their names on this, are committing TREASON against the Constitution when the COURT is NOT following the SUPREME COURT LAW of the LAND.
The Courts have been DENYING our LAWSUIT at every turn, stating that we have failed to: STATE A CLAIM UPON WHICH RELIEF CAN BE GRANTED! Why? Because the very essence our our argument 'Tears at the very fabric of our Economic Stability' here in the UNITED STATES ... yet because we are PRO SE --- the Courts are SUBSERVIENT to the BANKING and CORPORATE institutions with unlimited resources.
There is clearly a BIASED opinion be given when, we as PRO SE individuals have at every TURN 'Stated a Claim' that CITIBANK did not at any time, have an LEGAL INTEREST in OUR PROPERTY and yet, with ANY assignments, or recorded documents, have been allowed to FORECLOSE on our property.
Of course, I can not just allow this to 'Go Silently Into The Night' - I must do what I can to show those in the public, that 'We' as individuals are being 'Defrauded' and 'They' are getting away with this thievery, by using the art of LANGUAGE and 'Ignoring' the 'FACTS' in the case. In a legal manner of putting it; the Courts are not folloing STARE DECISIS (Facts already Decided by the Courts).
Honestly, as an individual, and FIGHTING for the TRUTH ... I feel like we're getting 'Beat Up' by the school bully, while everyone is watching.
There is NO DOUBT in my MIND that OUR CASE has MERIT and is STRONGLY 'STATING a CLAIM' in the JUDICIAL SYSTEM ... and the Courts are doing what they can to 'Dismiss' the case ... only because we don't have attorneys and resources ... so therefore, 'We' must give up sometime!
Believe it or NOT ... I think we're going to be VINDICATED. If  Erin Brockovich was able to eventually win ... I do feel that with our evidence and the facts, based solely on the TRUTH ... that we will win ... if ONLY in the COURT of PUBLIC OPINION.
I continue to 'Blog' the information and will post the files, and will gladly speak to anyone willing to listen. This is an injustice not only to my wife and I, but to you as an American. This has taken on a LIFE of its own, and no matter what the court or CITIBANK says; The TRUTH of the DOCUMENTS and COMMUNICATIONS CANNOT BE DENIED.
We have tried to solicit media coverage - but in this environment or corruption from public officials and Corporate individuals ... I am the 'OPIE' in the fight against GOLIATH! (At least that's what it feels like).
And I remain appealing the CONTEMPT Conviction in the lowest county court with CITIBANK with thousands of dollars tied up in court transcripts and cash bond. The FRAUD is so apparent that it has become so disillusioning that 'Our' normal countrymen cannot see it ... while those in positions of power can, and are not doing anything about it!
That's the new country that we're living in --- and it really sucks! This is NOT what I see for 'Our' country, and therefore ... I must prevail at some turn. It will come around to 'BITE THEM in the ASS!' I cannot hardly wait for that day to come.
Please contact me ... we need people who care, and are willing to help 'Do Something' ... otherwise, it will happen to others, as it already is! At least I have been working to do something about the problem. My e-mail and contact information is listed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I was finally able to at least get the En Banc Petition Filed today in the Tenth Circuit. I would like to post the information for those who are interested, but have been very busy in just trying to keep up with the Judges who are 'Ignoring' the LAW much less the truth.
It is my intent, since I have been documenting the 'Story' with certified and return service mail, in showing that: I have been 'LIVING the TRUTH, While Dodging the LIES!'
I hope this will eventually gain enough traction in the 'System' so people can understand that we have been deprived of our Civil Rights, and I'm talking about you too. I'm not sure if people realize to what extent that; their 'Right's' are diminishing, and how fast. However, this is a TRUE Story that is as devastating to the American Way of LIFE ... and can be shown how the Governmental Judicial System is 'Subserviant' to the banking and large corporations economic resources.
It is people like YOU and I who are being 'Systematically' put through the ringer, and made to BEND OVER and TAKE IT! Well, this is ONE reason that I have filed the Petition in the Courts, because I don't like it being shoved up my ass or down my throat by CITIBANK or their equally corrupt attorneys and judges who are committing Treasonous Acts against the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
I already am fighting a second 'CONTEMPT CHARGE' while also holding onto some semblance of Justice, because what we argue is ONLY the TRUTH ... while they IGNORE ... it, and the LAW!
Why do they do this? Because YOU and I are Not in their 'Club' (BAR) and their resources and contacts allow them to PUSH around the people like YOU and I.
Are you going to stand for it? I can't seem too, for some damn reason! We need help in getting it to 'The People' and in front of a Judicial System that has not abrogated their oath's of office or their Duty! We need to get this into the MAINSTREAM, because NO media company is covering the issue because this story 'Tears at the Very Fabric' of our economy.  So far, we've been on our own, except for the help of at least a couple of people who have helped in researching case law. It became such a burden to me, that I feel GOD did send someone who has helped define the case law and argument, yet we still remain to represent 'ourselves' without an attorney - so 'they' can't hear us, or believe we'll just eventually go away, because of 'their' use of language, in explaining away why 'We have failed to State a Claim' even as they ignore the argument in the briefs. 
How is it that these judges cannot believe there are people out here who can actually interpret the language, and not see right through them? They really do want to believe that; 'They're all Sheep!'
It's that Arrogant attitude that will become their downfall! 
Just in the 'Contempt Charge' brought by CITIBANK and the attorneys, after we were forced from our home of eleven years, we have paid more than two thousand dollars for court transcripts alone, a one thousand dollar cash bond and countless dollars in printing and mailing cost. These people are real evil bastards, and I don't mind or fear in saying it at all.
Our lives have been turned upside down by a banking and judicial system that deals in 'the Color of Law' and the Unconstitutionality of 'Due Process' which is suspended in Colorado, and instead is replaced by a Rule 120 (Administrative Hearing) disguised as a law; Rule 38.38.101 (This law is  (Totally Unconstitutional - and IF I can see it, you should be able to as well)
If you're reading this, you're not even safe! If they can do this to us, they can do it to you! I have been getting a very good lesson in the art of language and business from these people, and while I want to believe in the CONSTITUTION - I fear it may be something that will be fading from our future!
Something has to be said and done ... right now ... and it's exactly what I'm fighting for ... for I am ONE of the 'Assets' of this COUNTRY and the DEBT is owed to ME and YOU, not CHINA or the rest of the WORLD!
This is MY COUNTRY, GOVERNMENT, MY LIFE and FLAG! I for ONE am VERY PROUD of its HERITAGE, and WILL SEE IT INTO THE FUTURE, if I have anything to say about it! I know that this COUNTRY is FOUNDED upon the Principals of 'ONE NATION UNDER GOD!'
Mason Ramsey

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


From a simple Code Enforcement violation regarding a 'Cactus' on our property in 2008 leads to the death of a code enforcement officer, who very much 'caused his own demise' when circumstances and events led him down an alternate path, because of his immaturity.

Take note of the presiding Judge Weinberg's comments when he makes mention of 'Our Court' --- isn't it funny, when it's supposed to be 'The People's Courts?'

I have obviously begun to understand the difference and nature of the proceedings --- and the courts ... do not like it --- but that's okay ... I don't like them either --- I only wish to be left alone, as a peace loving individual aware of the TRUE AUTHORITY in this UNIVERSE ... and it's not 'Their Court' ====

Aside from the untimely death of a young 'aggressive code enforcement officer' who was transferred to another district and ran into an individual who was 'Violently Opposed' to his 'Authoritative Personality with a badge' --- it remains senseless in today's society when the authorities toll away at keeping 'so called subjects ... in line' with threats of incarceration for not 'bowing to their superiority.'

I am not interested in becoming subjected to 'their rules' when I know the difference between 'Civil and Criminal' - and it just remains impossible that 'My Cactus' harmed anyone, and that I can be held criminally responsible for a code enforcement violation --- and that's what the argument was about --- which is leading me to uncover other elements of understanding what it means to truly be a 'freeman on the land' or subjected to the jurisdiction of a system that is willing to incarcerate its citizens for the sake of money.

This research has led me to begin understanding the manipulation of the language and proceedings, especially with the beginning of the MORTGAGE FRAUD that began sweeping this NATION, and where i find myself today ... fighting CITIBANK and their attorneys --- who are doing all that they can to manipulate the system, where the courts are submissive to the banking system.

Monday, January 23, 2012


to all concerned - or who care ---

George Soros claims the Occupy Wall Street movement “is an inchoate, leaderless manifestation of protest.” And ultimately it will end up getting violent in the streets, giving rise for oppression.

This Billionaire George Soros is predicting these protests by Occupy Wall Street and that they will turn violent, while warning that the U.S. financial system may collapse.

In an interview with Newsweek writer John Arlidge, Soros reportedly said riots on the streets of American cities are inevitable.

Soros claimed the riots will “be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, which, carried to an extreme, could bring about a repressive political system, a society where individual liberty is much more constrained, which would be a break with the tradition of the United States.”

George may be right --- since those people cannot seem to 'band together' for the common cause --- fighting the CORRUPTION and LOOTING of AMERICA by people LIKE GEORGE SOROS! Much those LIKE Mitt Romney or the LIKES of OBAMA and his administration --- Don't forget ... they're all in it together.

George goes on the tell you what's going to happen ... because it's what 'they' want to happen.

“The best-case scenario is a deflationary environment. The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system.”

Whose best interest do you believe that to be? It's in GEORGE'S Best interest of course --- because he's a BILLIONAIRE!

Other wise --- the man is right --- THERE IS NO DIRECT LEADERSHIP and ORGANIZATION --- and what are we UP AGAINST?

THE BANKS / and the Corporate ASS WIPES who are controlling the JUDICIAL System through their FINANCIAL POCKETBOOKS and SPECIAL INTEREST!


This is what gets me going --- knowing that a LOT of AMERICANS are in the same boat - but seem to be like a 'Deer Caught in the Headlights' because they DO NOT KNOW how to CONNECT with the right people and get the right help … to MOVE in the right DIRECTION!

I don't think we're any different … or people just DON'T CARE enough to HELP SUPPORT the 'REAL FACTIONS' in their SPECIAL INTEREST of the PEOPLE!

At least I believe in trying to do what I can against one of the largest corporations … CITIBANK ---- who's as GUILTY as they COME! Especially when there is DOCUMENTED Proof at an administrative level - yet, people can not understand because of the CONSTANT bombardment of propaganda and the perpetual lies heaped upon the LEGAL SYSTEM who can easily Sway the 'Language' of the LAW to manipulate the SYSTEM --- into anything 'they' want you to believe ... giving you and others a BELIEF that; "they KNOW best … when they DON'T!"

Especially when they're waving around MONEY like that's what it's what it takes to 'SECURE your GOD GIVEN Rights' through the LEGAL system.

Well In this DAY and AGE … IT IS! So keep that in mind! And those who have the GOLD are making the RULES … at the RISK of your LIBERTY --- They are putting up the fences around you everyday ----

We have appeals in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Colorado fighting the corruption and fraudulent system, and others are NOT AWARE of anything around them except … trying to turn from it --- the Corporations and BANKS are 'DOING EACH ONE of YOU at ONE TIME! and it's happening all over the country. Think of that for one second.

We can be aware of it --- and still 'Get Back Our Lives' without anything being VIOLENT --- just those NEED to BE AWARE so that we LEVEL the playing field of UNDERSTANDING --- and knowing what to do by … 'BANDING TOGETHER' ---

and one reason that I believe this network may be helpful in 'Getting the Message Out There' --- it's ONLY a matter of HONESTY and INTEGRITY! Not very hard rules to LIVE by ---

There is a MONETARY system that we should have access to --- and don't --- but remember the assets of the LAND reside in its PEOPLE and WHAT they POSSESS - the Borders, fought, bought and PAID for by the AMERICANS and others who DIED for AMERICANS from the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.

This is MY COUNTRY … first and Foremost~ I should be able to SPEAK my MIND and LIVE my LIFE passed on to me by my ancestors without having to live 'Under their ECONOMIC Thumb' of those oppressors who have the money to 'Tell YOU How to LIVE and for How Long!'

It's NOT their DECISION! It's a CONTRACT from GOD secured by CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES. It does sound simple doesn't it? Unless, you either don't believe in GOD, or the Constitution or when, and you will come up against the threats and intimidation of the system ... hell bent on 'keeping you subdued by the rules and regulations' disguised by the law, slowly taking away each and every right and privilege afforded to you when you were BORN INTO this WORLD and: AMERICA.

it's all about the MONEY and CONTROL! I do believe there is a change coming ... after all it was foretold thousands of years ago - and I believe HISTORY has already seen it happen before.


p.s. If you get a chance - look me up on JST KLSX - http://www.RockandRollHeaven.net - it's the ALL AMERICAN FREE RADIO NETWORK - America's Coast to Coast Entertainment Network - Come join me.