Wednesday, October 10, 2012


If anyone has done as much as I have in bringing attention to the Mortgage Fraud being committed by attorneys and bankers, I can only applaud them! Just look at the amount of correspondence that has been sent, and is being 'ignored' by those who could do something!
 I know: this has been a LIFE changing experience for me and my wife, as we've been living and working in a system, that doesn't care for anyone, but themselves, and are using 'Their' knowledge and resources to protect themselves and 'Their' masters.
After all these years of living LIFE, only to find out that: This is NOT what I was taught and what I was supposed to believe. I have been given the impression, that 'We' lived in a society that was Governed 'By the People, for the People' and now realize ... this is NOT at all TRUE! We are living in a society that 'Our' countrymen have allowed a cancer to manifest itself in the BODY of a NATION that was founded upon the RIGHTEOUS EDICTS of  GOD.
Righteous rulers will know the Biblical purpose of government and civil law, which is to restrain the evil action of men in society (Romans 13:1-4; 1 - Peter 2:13-14), so that they will not try to make the law do what God never intended it to do. This is exactly what is happening: 'Man is poisoning the civility of law' by 'Side Stepping' any true meaning of law and destroying the Constitution of the United States in the process. It leaves people like myself in a position of 'Helplessness' but also teaching: to hold onto the FAITH that the Universe of GOD will see it through. I for one, believe I have been trying to 'Stand Up' into the 'Light' and not allow people like the Attorneys, Judges and others who are enemies of the people to get away with what they're doing.

We, unfortunately are allowing those people (Judges, Attorneys and Public Servants) who are supposed to uphold not only the Uniform Commercial Codes of the United States, but the Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights ... to 'Side Step' the intended purpose of our laws for their own personal agendas.
Just look at the incredible amount of correspondence that has been put forth, just so that we might receive some honest justice. I have done so much research in writing these letters, and following the 'Rules' as they were 'Laid Down' in a timely manner. I have been to the Federal Bureau of Investigation on three separate occasions, while also contacting my Congressmen, Senators and other Washington agencies in an attempt to at least give me a feeling that what I'm doing isn't unreasonable.
I know that what I read, and the interpretation of those things have given me the opinion that I have ... and it is with that opinion that suddenly becomes the abstract position. Only, while 'They' wish me to believe it abstract ... it is more of a truer representation of what is and has been happening in AMERICA and the WORLD.
However, because the policies of the system and administration is to 'Ignore' and to 'Seperate' the populace, you and I are left to 'Fend for Ourselves' unless, we luck out and find others who are also willing to 'Stand Up' for the People and Country that belongs to 'YOU' and 'I'!
It has not become anything but clearer as I have been involved in this fight, and getting 'Punched' in the head repeatedly, when I know that: I am right, and can only hold to the FAITH that what I am doing, will eventually make some difference in the 'Grand Scheme' of what I see happening ... right now! It is actually disheartening to know that: I cannot be the only one, and if I've done what I've done in attempting to 'Quell' the evil, and have been already convicted of 'Contempt of Court,' for 'Standing up for Our Property Rights,' that there must be hundreds and thousands of people who have done nothing, and one reason why 'They' (the System) has gotten away with 'Hijacking' our system of Truth, Justice and the American Way. 
It has been extremely stressful and very much a learning experience. This is something I would not wish upon anyone, unless they want to really know the TRUTH. I am thinking that's where I made the decision, and have to understand ... this is what comes from knowing, and why people don't want to get involved.
All I can tell you is that, I've done the numbers and the research and can see: We live in AMERICA with a population of approximately 318 million in a world of more than 6 billion, and a lot of people are wanting what is already supposed to be 'Ours' through our inherited birthrights. We live in/on the GREATEST piece of real estate on this planet.
We as AMERICANS are supposed to have a remedy in discharging 'Our Debt' since 'YOU' and 'I' are the assets of this country. Yet, we are fighting an infestation of 'Evil' who want to keep not only AMERICA under subjugation, but the WORLD. The sad part is that, most of the 'People' in the system believe 'They' are doing the right thing, when 'They' are doing the opposite.
I can only hope that I am not one of those people, and that everything I have done can be equated with honesty in pursuing a rightful course of action.
I as only one have nothing to hide, and do care for those who are being unfairly oppressed not only around the WORLD, but here in AMERICA first, because ... that's where it all began for me. Therefore it makes so much sense that: it all falls at 'Your' feet and that 'Charity begins in your own Backyard!'
"It is a simple premise, except when 'Man' has another agenda, and cannot follow the edicts of GOD within themselves."
When 'You' as the perpetrator or the 'One' individual within the system who allows the complicity to harm others, and consciously know that you are 'Violating' the rights of another ... then it will be 'You' who will pay the price for 'Your' actions ... not me.
Do not use your authority or powers unwisely ... merely because 'You' believe yourself to be above others, much less GOD!
If you're a sociopath ... then I'm sure this doesn't register with 'You' as a caring individual, and could care less for the plight of others.

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