Friday, October 5, 2012


 There is nothing quite as frustrating as knowing that your self awareness, has crept into a 'Reality' that; Elements of 'Our' justice system can be 'Hijacked' to not only bring about its 'own' agenda for the 'Elite' but to maintain its direction at 'Cost' to the lower and middle class people of the United States.
When the American Judicial System becomes subservient to the 'Corporate Interest' or 'Any Interest' contrary to Supreme Court Law of the Land, and detrimental to the those Americans, that: it is meant to protect ... then you have a judicial system 'Warring' against the interest of those like you and I who represent, and are the 'People of the United States!'
It is now 'My' firm belief that, while 'We' as Americans have been educated into believing that we have one of the finest Judicial systems in the World, my wife and I have been experiencing something totally opposite to anything that makes sense anymore. 
While I am not an attorney, nor is the 68 year old certified paralegal Reubin Nieves, who has been assisting me in the last year on 'Refinning and Raising the Arguments' against a wrongful foreclosure in the state of Colorado ... there can be no doubt that what we read from the District Court, and 10th Circuit Federal Court in ALL of the motions, pleadings, answers and orders from the judicial system , that: It is so obviously written with 'Word Art' so as to 'Ignore' the 'LAW' that has been 'Put before them!' It is judicial Mis-Conduct.
Even when an officer of the court, including any judge, elected official, or hired 'Public Servant' are presented with the 'Overwhelming Evidence' of fraud and decit ... and through 'Certified, Return Receipt and Registered Mail' and they fail to do anything in upholding 'their' oaths of office ... to 'Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States' ... then they are: not only ... not doing their job, but in fact are: 'Warring' Against that Constitution!'
I don't know how to say it any simpler than that!
I am seeing it from an American's point of view, who was born in this country in 1956. And, while I did not understand my education at the time, I have been receiving over the years a very good lesson in the way 'It really is' ... but, I am also placing 'Myself' into a position of holding onto the understanding of the 'Way it is supposed to be!'
You and I as 'The People' have inherited this Land, and its Constitution and Bill of Rights, but they seem to be 'Disappearing' by one 'Impediment' or another and all at the 'Hands' of unethical men and women in positions of authority who are 'Destroying' that for which so many gave their lives in creating, building and protecting. I am amazed that I can see it happening, while I remain unsure that others (at least enough 'other Americans') can see what I am seeing, through the experience that I am living. It should not be happening.
The Court system is supposed to 'Follow' not only the rule but the 'Law' and the maxims of 'Law.'  A legal maxim is an established principle or proposition. 'Laws' that have been handed down over the course of our history. It's called 'Stare Decisis'
"This principle, known as 'stare decisis,' distinguishes the common law from civil-law systems, which give great weight to codes of laws and the opinions of scholars explaining them. Under stare decisis, once a court has answered a question, the same question in other cases must elicit the same response from the same court or lower courts in that jurisdiction."
Yet, when I have worked in standing up to protect my rights as an AMERICAN Citizen, I have been met with the use of that 'Word Art' in the judicial system that totally by passes the arguments placed before the state court and the Federal court. I know this as a fact, and it cannot be refuted. A person only has to read the 'Opinions of the Court' to see that, when an argument is raised and back by a Supreme Court Ruling that is 'Not Even Referred To' in the Court's decision ... clearly shows the goals and aim of the court system.
Take for example this case, where it all started before 2008 in which a 'DEED of TRUST' is filed in Arapahoe County in 2005 in the name of DECISION ONE and yet, a 'Copy' of the 'DEED of TRUST' with the name CITIFINANCIAL with the same 'Year,' 'Date,' 'Time' and 'Recception Number' in 2005 is sent through the United States Mail by a law firm claiming 'Their Client' 'Owns the DEED of TRUST' trying to 'Collect on a Debt' while there is no recorded record or assignment showing CITIFINANCIAL is indeed the 'Real Party in Interest' and does have the right to  'Collect on any Debt'  much less Foreclose on the property. (Inspect the documents for yourself - look in the upper left and lower right hand corners of the two documents, and tell me if that is, or is not a clear case of Fraud)
It remains impossible that, even as CITIFINANCIAL forecloses on the property with a 'Copy' and a 'Forged DEED of TRUST' ... that court officers cannot interceed on behalf of an AMERICAN Citizen, and 'Their' Constitutional 'Rights' ... merely because they are 'Hiding' behind the 'Color' and 'Rule of Law' as in this case ... Rule 38.38.101 (Rule 120) clearly defying a person/s 5th and 14th amendment right. It's 'Their' job to liberally construe the Law in favor of the AMERICAN --- they DIDN'T!
Common sense dictates that any judicial officer of the court, elected or hired public servant who after being 'notified' that the law is in direct contradiction of an AMERICAN'S Civil Liberites ... should be held accountable.   
And in so doing, that AMERICAN Citizen who is being foreclosed on without the legal paperwork, becomes another 'Victim' in the crimes against the AMERICAN People in not recieving 'Due Process.' 
Even as I continue receiving the news from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals with an 'Order' and a 'Mandate' I must keep 'Objecting' since 'Their Orders' and 'Mandates' are contrary to the most important documents in our Nation's History.
" ... the use of maxims be in deciding doubt and helping soundness of judgment, ... " Sir Francis Bacon.
"The principles and axioms of law, which are general propositions flowing from abstracted reason, and not accommodated to times or men, are wisely deposited in the breasts of the judges to be applied to such facts as come properly before them."
When the court, does not follow its own 'Rules' and 'Laws' then it has become something else, and not the judicial system that was placed into effect more than two hundred thirty years ago to serve and protect 'Your Rights' as a citizen, much less mine.
This is most definitely not what I was thought would happen, when I first began 'Challenging' CITIBANK for their less than above board ethics those years ago. But, I look forward to the day, when I can see the saga, become the 'Fairy Tale' ending, and unltimately becoming the 'Legend' because I am going to prevail ... even if only in the PUBLIC Court of Opinion. I don't care if the court decides something as a matter of procedure ... 'They' cannot Violate my rights ... I don't care how many 'Orders' or 'Mandates' they come up with --- it's NOT LEGAL, because the Constitution doesn't give them the authority ... in fact; takes it away from them. I'm going to keep 'Holding to that FAITH!'
I will be sharing more and more of the documents in which you can directly see for yourselves and know ... 'We have Rights' that are being 'Violated' and it's those 'Same Rights that were inherited by each and every one 'You' Americans! And, those 'Judges,' 'Attorneys,' 'Politicians,' 'Public Officials' and 'Private Individuals' who are 'Warring Against the Constitution,' will pay the price one day. Karma is a bitch, and as I intend to keep moving forward in an attempt to eventually receive some 'Justice' I only wish to see that Karmaic justice delivered to those who deserve it.
When you have a Right that has been afforded to you, and the judicial system is 'Knocking' you down in the 'Manipulation' of language rather than 'Law' ... a person has to 'Do Something' to set into motion ... the 'Change' that will keep our Country operating like it should, as the Founding Fathers ... meant for it to be! I remain determined that 'They' can not be allowed to keep getting away with it, while the country is being 'Lulled' into the same old 'Dog & Pony Show' from the left and right of the Democrats and the Republican Party. I am doing something and have been. Will you help?
And one final note: We were just sent an email this afternoon from DENNIS P. DERRICK who stated: "While the cotitutional issues may be important, there are too many impediments to the Court's getting to them."

There should be NO impediments to 'YOUR RIGHTS!' We need you to join us in making a stand. 'They' do not want the 'PEOPLE' to join together --- and therefore we must, because it remains 'Our Duty!' If only to SAVE our FUTURE for our children and our way of LIFE!

I can now say with integrity that: anytime, a person like my wife and I represent 'Ourselves' within the judicial system, it becomes more than an 'Eye Opener!' 
Mason Ramsey

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